Duplicates and such

NOTES TO MYSELF, but I don't mind others reading them.

I used to think I would make a book or two of these, but there are too many, and publishing photos is too expensive, and the quotes without the photos aren't as good. I was taking notes to keep from making duplications in a book. But the ones I repeated were good ones.

2020 update:
I used to keep these notes to keep from using things three times, but searching works better on the blog now.

When I started tagging (for image content), I marked a second use either re-run, repeat, again, or again! (again, again! from watching Teletubbies with a baby granddaughter).

Clicking on any of those tags will get a set of things I thought could use repeating.


Below are notes on duplicate uses, but first: Beginning in 2017 or so, I started stabilizing photos—uploading directly instead of using a photobucket link. Photobucket used to be cheap and reliable. When I upload the photo, I put tags which involve the photo, not the quote. If it's in there twice, the first use gets tags, and the second use is tagged one of these: "repeat, re-run, again, again!" I've used several so that in the list of tags the re-runs aren't the largest thing there. So a post with no tag might have an unstable photo, or hasn't been used twice.

Faq page, not the same quote or title or image: How will you know if they're learning? (three uses as of 8/17/18)

5/23/14 Two-way change, repeated 8/20/2017, same name & photo

Goals and vehicles, 8/31/12 duplicatd (same title, same photo, marked re-run in labels) 8/7/18

Rocks and shells and... 7/31/18 text duplicated, new photo, new title (Robert Prieto quote)

7/13/18 copied whole from 12/25/11 Finding yourself with your children
Mar 16, 2012 Maintain and replenish
Repeated with same title and all 6/28/18
Jenny C quote "I want my kids to feel empowered, so I empower them." with the same photo by Rippy Dusseldorp, used 6/22/18 and had been used 2/10/15. The quote with a different title and photo used 6/7/11 as "Empower them".

11/24/10 text from /timestables used again 6/16/16
My kids think math is a tool and a toy and a game. Why would they want to be saved from it?

"We don't have to know that" isn't anything I have ever heard my children say. Because there is nothing they do "have to learn," there is nothing that is off their learning list either. In artistic terms, without the object there is no field. In math-lingo, they have the infinite universal set. In a philosophical light, they avoid the dualism of learning and not-learning.

Sept 16, 2011 The Solution
Same quote used Jan 26, 2016
"If we're creating an atmosphere of power struggle, the kids will fight back to win. If we're creating an atmosphere of problem solving, the kids will feel part of the solution rather than part of the problem."
—Joyce Fetteroll

Joyce quote from end of /tvchoice was used January18, 2012, and again 12/7/15 "If we live our values, it's likely our children will value them too. If we impose our values, it's likely our children will reject them."

12/25/13 has a short Meredith quoted. 11/7/15 has the full paragraph. Search for "joyfully harmonious"—both link to the same page.

Same photo of Kirby sleeping under the rocking chair discovered a few nights after I used it the second time. I hope only the second time. It's here: Sleeping as Love in October 2010, and Relax into peace, October 18, 2015

Deb Lewis quote used 10/18/2015 (Relax into peace) and 9/13/11 (How to stop a power struggle)
"Power struggles can disappear when the person with the power stops struggling."

10/7/15 Unmeasured and whole, second paragraph is same as 12/30/12 Count to one.

7/7/12 same quote as 9/17/15
If you're going to unschool, it needs to be better than school. If that involves getting mental, emotional or physical therapy for the parents, then do it! The house doesn't work if the roof is leaking and there's no heat. Parents don't work if they're in an emotional fog and can't pay sweet attention to their kids.

1/20/12, Do that THIS year, repeated 8/30/15 (text and link, not photo or title)

April 11, 2012 same quote, different link, as 6/23/15 (Robyn Coburn, bottom two paragraphs of /choicerobyn)
Second of the paragraphs also used here: 10/8/12, The Openers of Doors

5/19/15 is the same (different photo) as 11/25/13 (...being a good person, a good parent...)

April 3, 2015,
same text but different link 4/17/13

Real Reading same title, different length of quote, 11/22/10 and 1/20/11; shorter version and different title 3/20/15

Sunday, January 5, 2014 same quote as Monday, March 9, 2015 "How do you know they're learning?" The people who ask that question are looking at the world through school-colored glasses. Those same parents knew when their children could use a spoon. They knew when the child could drink out of a cup. They knew when walking and talking and bike riding had been learned.

11/1/10 same quote reused, about teens as people, on 1/28/15.

6/7/11 quote repeated 2/10/15 ("I want my kids to feel empowered, so I empower them."
—Jenny Cyphers)
photo by Sandra Dodd

1/2/15 (The weather of the soul) is the same text as Cocoon from January 4, 2013

12/12/14 "More patience" same text and link as 12/5/10 "Spouses/Partners" ( new photo )

11/13/14 "upward" is a full repeate of "Happy spiral upward" from 1/12/13

11/20/14 ("No doubt") same quote as 12/8/12 "Foundations of unschooling" https://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2012/12/foundations-of-unschooling.html

Being in the world 4/22/11 is repeated in early November 2013.

"Say "okay" in a timeless way" 10/21/14 has most of the quote from one in 2012 https://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2012/02/more-happy-childhood.html

1/25/12 same Deb Lewis quote as 10/13/14: "Laughter has helped my own family through hard times. Sure we would have come through the hard times anyway, but we came through them with less stress, fewer lasting scars, and lots of great one-liners."

same quote as 9/9/14 but links to the interview directly

10/5/10 about sleeping, longer version of 8/5/14

3/17/13 repeated on 7/5/14 (and linked back to 3/17)Credit / Plus and Minus

March 11, 2012 quotes Pam S. The second half is used again 6/17/14. This part: Homeschoolers think a lot about learning - but they often focus on learning to read, write, do math, or learning science or history, etc. Unschoolers tend to take that kind of learning for granted, it happens along the way. Instead, as we get more and more into unschooling, we tend to focus on things like kindness and creativity and honesty—all those character traits that will determine "how" their learning will be used in their lives.

December 11, 2010; I used the same quote 5/26/14, from the confidence/arrogance page. Search "wrong shift" to find them.

5/9/14 "It won't hurt to think about it" was used in June 2012 as "For now"

10/29/11 first half duplicated 5/7/14 (Pam, on regrets http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-will-you-regret.html
The second half is here: https://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2011/06/one-interaction-at-time.html and also https://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2013/09/relationship-building.html

To get more jokes (4/17/14) is the same text and links as What is Humor Good For? (very early on,with the photo of Kirby and Sadie in costumes)

Monday, May 16, 2011 Happy Momentum is a longer version of a Jenny Cyphers quote also being used 4/10/14, called A happy learning environment.

5/20/13 Understanding is more important 5/20/13 is repeated as "Respect and acceptance" 3/20/14 but with a different link (same quote)

7/28/11 Ronnie Maier L-words, repeated 1/24/14

Deb Lewis, same words 1/20/14: Happy, happy, happy
and in French http://www.journaljose.blogspot.ca/2012/11/heureux-de-se-rappeler.html

3/1/11 is a longer version of 12/26/13 about too much peace, too little peace,from http://sandradodd.com/peace/noisy

12/27/13 is a longer version of 11/23/11 about getting rid of dishes that bug you.

Same photo 3/24/11 and 12/16/13, on purpose, same as one of the magnets.
I think Keith's carved viking head has been used twice, and maybe the bird feeder gazebo.

8/12/12 Nest-building tools has the same text as Little Tools for an Epic Life 10/4/12 (Very close; missed it.)

5/10/11 is a longer passage, but one paragraph matches 12/12/13 (from RenTalk)

first paragraph re-used 10/24/13

10/22/13 same text as once-upon-a-time in 2011...

10/20/13 is a shorter quote—use 10/31/10 instead, if it's quoted (about trees from a seed, and what trees and children need)

10/16/13 same text as 6/27/11 http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2011/06/stop.html
Stop thinking schoolishly. Stop acting teacherishly. Stop talking about learning as though it’s separate from life.

9/3/13 same text as http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2011/01/when-everything-is-new.html (plus one line)

8/31/13, same text as
When will unschooling happen? on 9/11/10
and the first line was used to show the new title of the "Do It" page on 9/4/12
Some of the later lines might have been used separately. Could doublecheck with a search of /doit

8/28/13 has part of the same text as http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2010/09/sparkle.html

11/15/11? Unschooling is easy for children, once parents relax into it and come to understand it. It's a way of living with children in a life based on sharing a joyous exploration of the world.
Used again 8/15/13

11/16/10 Give, Give, Give  same text as
8/9/13 Give Generously

11/5/10  http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2010/11/being-safe-place.html Being your child's safest place   text repeated

7/19/13 (kind of 20 questions, divide the world in half)  same text as
10/3/11 Eliminate half the world (in a good way)

8/7/13 http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2013/08/thats-all-just-that.html
2/21/11 http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2011/02/goal.html

8/12/11 Unexpected Discoveries /presidents, same text used 7/16/13

7/3/13 Learning comes from connecting something new to what you've already thought or known.
was part of a longer quote already used 11/18/10 "Associations"

12/11/11 and 2/20/11 have the same text, from http://sandradodd.com/zeneverything
Put the 5/1/13 photo right after the one it links to, from 3/7. One is a continuation of the other. Picture of bhava-yoga lotus on the left, photo of Adam in a blanket on the right.

Same quote:
the journey of a lifetime
One step isn't really far enough

Breaking one into three, so don't quote them in the same collection (don't quote the one long one and the other three, I mean):


and then two others not much later than that

Let new ideas and experiences astonish you.
Find delight in small, everyday things.

6/19/13 (Inventory your tools) is lifted (photo and credit note changed) from
12/29/10 (Peace and quiet)

6/12/13 "What helps when" text lifted from
12/25/10 Seeing differently

4/2/12 Hear What you Say
is (the first two parts) like
6/25/13 Hearing yourself

Possibilities and Joys 2/7/12 and Little Things 1/17/11

A flow that builds and grows 9/26/12 partly same as A state of curiosity 9/11/10

same quote as 9/8/13 "One interaction at a time. Just make the next interaction a relationship-building one. Don't worry about the one AFTER that, until IT becomes 'the next one'." by Pam Sorooshian
and that plus more is at http://justaddlightandstir.blogspot.com/2011/10/what-will-you-regret.html

Joyce Birds quote, both called Birds:
Quoted the end of that again 3/17/14

12/31/10 There is a kind of magic thinking that says television can rob people of their imagination, (about TV) also used 3/11/13

10/4/10 2013 same quote as 10/8/13
>Given a rich environment, learning becomes like the air—it's in and around us.

1/21/11 was the same text as 3/13/11 What if kids watch TV all day? and Light from the TV

(discovered 12/1/13 :-) )

Life becomes easier 12/6/13
How important is your child? 3/23/11
Both: "If your child is more important than your vision of your child, life becomes easier."
Oldest one has a better photo.

first used 9/18/10 and again 12/9/13:
We make choices ALL the time. Learning to make better ones in small little ways, immediate ways, makes life bigger and better. Choosing to be gentle with a child, and patient with ourselves, and generous in ways we think might not even show makes our children more gentle, patient and generous.

11/25/10 Little Things, text repeated 1/23/14
[Three posts have been named "Little things"]

The top paragraph at September 9, 2010 was used again in May 2014 (date not decided yet when I wrote this) "Abundance in one person provides benefits for others. A child with all the trust he needs can trust others. A child with all the time he needs can share that time with others. One who has freedom won't begrudge freedom in others."

9/1/11 same text as 5/16/14 but the second one has a link to Joyce's page where it lives.
The first has a good photo. "One easy way to decide how to be is to picture clearly what would make things worse, and then not do that."

12/11/11 has the same text as 2/20/11 (so used it again 7/8/14)
Titles were The Best I can do ; Better, wiser people ; Words, pictures and music
My mother did the best she could, I suppose. I need to do the best I can do. So I tell my children everything they want to know. I show them the world in words and pictures and music. While they're becoming better, wiser people, I am too. I wish I had learned these things before they were born, but I didn't have my teachers yet. I have tried to pass on to other moms the best of what works well for us, and to put little warning beacons near pitfalls.
(One links to the essay in Puddlebook, one to same, but on the website.)

3/1/11 is a slightly longer version of 7/11/14
As to proof of whether unschooling is working, if the question is whether kids are learning, parents can tell when they're learning because they're there with them. How did you know when your child could ride a bike? You were able to let go, quit running, and watch him ride away. You know they can tell time when they tell you what time it is. You know they're learning to read when you spell something out to your husband and the kid speaks the secret word right in front of the younger siblings. In real-life practical ways children begin to use what they're learning, and as they're not off at school, the parents see the evidence of their learning constantly. (from the interview)

September 22, 2011
If watching TV is your child's thing and complaining about TV is your thing, you've spoiled a chance to have a shared thing.
repeated 7/19/14, after it was quoted in Lituania (facebook)

July 29 (?) "The goal, for me, is that they will be thoughtful, compassionate, curious, kind and joyful." which is part of a paragraph that has been used twice before. It's from the Subler interview.

1/22/11 "Collecting" repeated (text used again) 11/19/14

Deb Lewis quote used in summer 2012 and 2/15/15 "When we can we should always do more, offer more, think more, and make our bit of the world as big and full as we can for our kids. Our kid's lives get bigger and better when our thinking gets bigger and better."
—Deb Lewis

Quote from /pinkcrayons used in two posts. One from early 2013 called Breathe. Smile and one November 9, 2015 called The kids will follow (different photos, but otherwise same)

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