Beauty can be found in small things. |
photo by Orion Larson
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Beauty can be found in small things. |
"Gentle moments call for a calm mind." —Holly Dodd |
The quote is from "Knowing Everything." The title refers to something Kirby asked me when he was little. The rest of the essay is here: The story also appears in the book Moving a Puddle.
photo by Holly Dodd |
The more you know about something, the more you can know, because there are more and more hooks to hang more information on—more dots to connect. |
"Create a rich environment. Support and feed their interests. Connect with them." —Joyce Fetteroll |
Beautiful moments of stillness and calm are around us all the time. Sometimes we notice.
Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Weird Al" and Jimmy Lip Sync "The Hamilton Polka" from Niveithika Johnson on Vimeo.
If a child is bored and agitated, she's not learning. If she's happy and smiling and humming and engaged with what she's thinking, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling, then she's learning.