Showing posts with label instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instruments. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2025

Life, thought and learning

Parents new to unschooling tend to worry that some activities are good preparation for life, but others are frivolous and should be forbidden or discouraged. Life and thought and learning, though, depend on connections being made. And the more points of information about anything at all being made inside an individual, the more points there will be to connect.
photo by Irene Adams

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Seeing in an unschooling light

Before you can see anything in an unschooling light, you must have an unschooling light to see by.

from an Always Learning post, 29 Jan 2016
photo by Karen James

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Near and far

This apple was in yesterday's post. I didn't move it, I moved the camera.

That's my sister, on stage, singing and playing guitar. She isn't doing that all the time, but she was then.

It seems there are no people listening. There were a hundred of them, but mostly behind me, and outside the tent.

What any one of us sees isn't everything there is to see.

Here and there
photo by Sandra Dodd

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Electric guitars, or Egypt

What aspect of some particular subject involves objective truth? What is folklore or mythology? What literature or fantasy has come about based on that subject or item? Consider dragons, or India, or snakes, or rainbows. Checklist Abe Lincoln, the discovery of fire, or the depths of Lake Superior. Plot WWII, Japan, electric guitars, or Egypt.
photo by Sandra Dodd, in a pawn shop

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Sometimes be quiet and wait

Very often parents find themselves in a situation where they might not see a way to make things better, but they could easily make things worse.
The quote isn't from there, but the information could be helpful.
photo by Holly Dodd