photo by Nicole Kenyon
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Delighted by unschooling
photo by Nicole Kenyon
Saturday, November 30, 2024
The joys of unschooling
photo by Cátia Maciel
Monday, October 16, 2023
Days full of learning
Our days are full and our learning is unmeasured and immeasurable.
photo by CassKotrba
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Be more positive than I am
Positive is not being cynical and not being pessimistic and not taking pride in being dark and pissy.Yesterday I added it to my newish page on Positivity. It is the least positive thing on that page. 🙂
photo of Hadrian's Wall, by Jo Isaac
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Cliff wall
Appreciating the intersection of a natural wall and a manmade wall would not be ruined by knowing of other walls (if any, or fences) around those goats.
A wall isn't always an obstacle. It might be a shelter, a protection, and a thing of beauty.
It's possible, and it's fine, to appreciate part of a song, a film, a painting, a story, a life, without fully understanding the depth and breadth of the whole thing. A part of a thing is also a thing.
photo by Ester Siroky
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Following the herd?
Can't that be a legitimate decision to make?
It's good to know where they're going, and why, and what the alternatives might be.
Finding choices and options for yourself and your children is good when it's possible.
photo by Ester Siroky
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Be with your child

Jenny Cyphers wrote, of a parent getting up and going to do something with or for a child:
It feels infinitely better for my spirit when I do that too. It's easy to get caught up in one's own self thought. If I let a day go by, or hours, in that mode, at the end of the day, I find myself thinking that I should've, would've, could've, and once again, I'm in that mode. To just go and be with my kids as soon as I recognize that mindset, I avoid all the guilty afterthoughts of what I should have done better. So, I not only avoid the guilt complex, I get to relive all the fun and wonderful moments that I intentionally sought after.
It seems that unschooling, for me, is a compilation of all those moments of being with my kids instead of doing something else. It's fun to go out of your way to do cool things with your kids and seek out opportunities, but the real stuff seems to happen in those moments that could just go by within each and every day.
photo by Sandra Dodd, at Alex Polikowsky's farm
Friday, April 22, 2022
Looking at whole lives
We don't know in advance how lives will flow and grow, even while we're living in that flow.
Looking too closely for too long can bring frustration. "We had a meal today without vegetables, Oh NO!" or "This toddler didn't nap, and so Oh NO!" Look back at those in a week or a year, or in thirty years, and the diet will have averaged out, and the toddler will have slept.
Looking at details is good, but once in a while, take a long view of the lives of your grandparents, neighbors, friends, even maybe fictional characters. Sometimes the details dissolve into history, or are fleeting, or can be smiled away.
Find peace and hope in everyday ways.
photo by Cathy Koetsier
Monday, February 28, 2022
Positives (look around)
photo by Gail Higgins
Monday, January 17, 2022
Eye contact and communication
Non-verbal communication doesn't get enough credit. I used to be one of the people who thought babies couldn't communicate, or that pets couldn't, until I got older, had a baby, and started paying better attention to different ways to communicate.
Perhaps these animals wanted food, or were curious about visitors. Sometimes my cat wants food, or to be scratched or picked up, or put down, or let in, or let out.
Sometimes a child doesn't know what she wants, but she feels uncomfortable. If she looks at you, see if you can tell without asking what it is she might be thinking. I have tried things like offering food or water, singing, getting up and watering plants, or picking up toys, to see if she wants to help (or watch, in the case of pre-mobile children).
Too often, I talked. I began to see that my questions or verbal guesses weren't always the best responses.
photo by Ester Siroky
Saturday, November 13, 2021
I thought of real trees, though, and more often three trees make a triangle.
That idea has amused me for a long time, of rows and triangles. Finding, seeing, hearing three things that are similar can make fun connections worth pursuing.
There are threes in literature, lyrics, art, games, rhythms, and on clocks. Whether you have young children to amuse with this or not, maybe look around for and play around with threes.
photo by Cathy Koetsier
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Can laundry be fun?
...Can laundry be fun? If you have to do laundry and you choose NOT to enjoy it, an hour or more of your precious hours on earth have been wasted. Can looking at your child bring you joy even when he needs a bath and has lost a shoe and hasn't lived up to some expectation that only exists in your mind? If not, a paradigm shift could help you both.

The quote above is on the new page, though it is from
Rejecting a Pre-Packaged Life (
photo by Cathy Koetsier
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Let go; relax
Sandra wrote: "They need to STOP battling, STOP fighting, STOP struggling."
This has been such an incredibly powerful, empowering concept for me. It's a total turn around from the way I grew up thinking, from the way we think and speak in Western culture. But I have made the greatest strides in my own deschooling by learning to notice when I feel myself "struggling," and to Stop! Then I can choose to let go, to relax about the disparity between what I want and what is. And what I have discovered is that that conscious mental shift releases the energy I need to step forward mindfully into the moment...and then that moment becomes, itself, a step towards what I want, away from what I don't want.
photo by Cathy Koetsier
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
The benefit of providing choices
My kids grew up being able to do a lot more things than other kids they knew because their parents allowed for it to be so. We didn't have to, we chose to do that because we saw the benefit in doing that.
photo by Cathy Koetsier
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Incredibly freeing
The main idea is about seeing everything we do as a choice.
What locks people in "have to" thinking is they close the doors of choices they will not for various reasons take. They often end up with only one door open and it feels like they have to take it. And they feel trapped.
That mental shift can be incredibly freeing. A situation that looked like a box with no exits suddenly becomes a wide open field that someone is choosing to stay in.
For more context, and the part I left out: Answers and responses...
photo by Janine Davies
(sorry I didn't have "a wide open field")
Friday, September 10, 2021
The balance point
Harmony makes many things easier. When there is disharmony, everyone is affected. When there is harmony, everyone is affected, too.
photo by Renee Cabatic
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Only a child?
photo by Sandra Dodd
Friday, January 22, 2021
Knowledge grows and changes
My strongly held belief about most things is that no one knows for sure, knowledge grows and changes, but that stress and fear are always harmful.
photo by Janine Davies
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Truthful and protective
photo by Elise Lauterbach
Friday, September 11, 2020
Listen, honestly
How do we as parents show that we respect our children, that we are parenting respectfully? One big way is by genuinely listening to them. One way is by being honest with them about our own feelings, and telling the truth about events, or unexaggerated truthful reasons about why things can or cannot occur.
photo by Cass Kotrba