photo by Karen James
Showing posts with label figures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label figures. Show all posts
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Slowly and solidly
photo by Karen James
Something looks like this:
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Awareness of options
Lots of people go through their whole lives never feeling like they had choices in many many areas of their lives in which they really did. Just like it is useful for unschoolers to drop school language (not use the terms teaching or lessons or curriculum to refer to the natural learning that happens in their families) it is useful to drop the use of "have to's" and replace it with an awareness of choices and options.
How we think—the language we use to think—about what we're doing, matters.
—Pam Sorooshian
photo by Sandra Dodd
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Our own real thoughts
In your head, you have some repeating-loop messages. Some are telling you you're doing a good job, but I bet some of them are not. Some are telling you that you have no choice, but you do.
We can't really think until we think in our own words without the prejudicial labels and without mistaking the voices in our heads for our own real thoughts.
photo by Christine Milne
photo by Christine Milne
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Hearts renewed
I wrote this verse for a Christmas card we made when my children were eight, five, and three years old.
More about that, written in 2014
art by Kirby Dodd, in 1994,
with printing and finish work by relatives and friends
Warm, glowing traditions
Abundant joy, a special toy, warmth and firelight, carols at twilight; Memories of old, children to hold, comforting food, and hearts renewed. |
art by Kirby Dodd, in 1994,
with printing and finish work by relatives and friends
Warm, glowing traditions
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Positively joyful
Someone once suggested that having a joyful life as one of my goals was potentially damaging to my son because he wouldn't have an "authentic" experience (or something like that). I said I was willing to risk those terrible dangers.
—Deb Lewis
photo by Sarah S.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Twisty turny now
Twisting and turning to get away from the world can work sometimes (like my kids never went to school, for instance) but you can't twist yourself right off the planet or out of the present year.
photo by Sandra Dodd
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Value kids as kids
Generally speaking, kids are Busy people. Its good to see that and value what they are doing. When we don't, its easy to slip into resenting them for "just goofing off" while we grown ups are busy doing the "important" stuff. An important aspect of radical unschooling is valuing kids as kids, not adults-in-training, and so valuing kid-stuff. Playing Green Dinosaur smashes Legoland, watching tv, daydreaming, all are just as important as cleaning the kitchen.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Simple but gigantic
It's simple but gigantic.
If things (music, ideas, jokes) are allowed the dignity of being potentially accepted as perhaps good in someone's estimation, lights come on all over that world.
photo by Holly Dodd
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Private ideas
What others are thinking in a museum, even if they're with me, could never be exactly the same. An object will, without fail, remind me of a personal experience, or of when or where I first learned of such things. If it's SO NEW to me that I'm surprised, I tend to think of which friend of mine, alive or dead, I would most like to share it with, or to ask about it. Sometimes that's my dad, especially if the object is an old truck, or a metal structure.
Sometimes I've been the person one of my kids shared something with. That's sweet, and I get to know a bit about what they're connecting to and with.
Long ago, I came to see the whole world as a museum. I love that, too.
photo by Rippy Dusseldorp
Something looks like this:
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Keep food clean
—Diana Jenner
"It's hard to swallow around a big lump of guilt."
—Schuyler Waynforth
The sweetest thing about food might be the love with which it is given.
but matches Don't taint the ice cream
photo by Sandra Dodd
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Is that worth knowing? Maybe not, but I think it's interesting.
Where I live, in the U.S., horses don't have names on them, except at Disneyland, pretty much. The "King Arthur Carrousel" in Disneyland was made in Canada, over 100 years ago—before Disneyland. I don't know whether the Canadian builders used two "r"s in the name, or if Walt Disney liked the alternative spelling. If you think any of this is interesting, you can read more here, about the one at Disneyland.
I took the photo above, at a fair in England. Lol is a nickname for Laurence, there (and old guys are named Laurence, not so many young kids), so that horse was named after someone who was called "Lol" instead of "Larry," and not named after laughing out loud.
How many small facts and connections can one person hold? I don't think there's a limit.
It's easier to learn a thing if you already know something else kind of like it. Connections!
photo by Sandra Dodd
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Keep choosing
photo by Sandra Dodd
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Trees and toy trains
Be warm, and help light up the world around you.
Every little bit helps.
photo by Shawn Smythe Haunschild
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Don't be afraid of happy connections and rearrangements. Rejoice!
Robbie Prieto's nativity scene, once upon a time;
photo by Colleen Prieto, his mom
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Individualized learning
Unschooling is the ultimate individualized learning situation, and comparisons are unnecessary.
photo by Holly Dodd
Saturday, December 3, 2022
How Learning Works
Unschoolers do not preplan a curriculum and we don't have predetermined lesson plans. What we have instead is an extremely rich environment for learning in which, for example, the globe sits on the living room coffee table and is regularly handled and part of our everyday life (not pulled out for a specific lesson). Learning is valued and constant. Connections are looked for everywhere and the whole family is involved and loves to explore ideas and gain new information and knowledge. Learning happens inside the learner's own head and is not always apparent to outside observers, but the proof, for me, is in the pudding. My kids think learning is what life is for. And I agree with them.
photo by Sandra Dodd
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Beauty and usefulness
Some radio stations (which aren't as vital as they once were) play songs that are sixty years old, or more. A hundred years ago, 1920 provided the first public radio broadcasts of a news program (in Detroit, Michigan). A college radio station aired music, a sporting event and concerts (Schenectedy, New York). An opera was broadcast for the twenty radios that could receive it (August 2020, Buenos Aries, Argentina).
Our receipt of sound is more varied now, and we can bring in humor, debate, tragedy, and re-reuns of those things from earlier times. Text and images have been added. We have more choices than we have time to choose them, these days.
Look for beauty and usefulness. Choose joy and uplift, from the river of output that pours around us.
photo by Sandra Dodd, in Liverpool one time
Stories of radio in 1920, which I looked up not knowing I really was writing this 100 years after initial public broadcasts, came from Wikipedia's History of Radio page. Good coincidence, for 2020. We are living in the flow of history.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Activity over worry
—Cass Kotrba
photo by Sandra Dodd
Friday, June 3, 2022
Life as Show-and-Tell
People with collections have collections of stories. Objects have origins, and connections. If you ask people about their things, they will tell you stories about themselves.
Most people think of "exploring" as going to new places, but exploring ideas, music, foods, games and each other's experiences and stories, within a family or group of friends, creates an environment of learning.
The first paragraph is new today.
The second paragraph is here.
photo by Sandra Dodd
The second paragraph is here.
photo by Sandra Dodd
Something looks like this:
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