Kindness lights up the world.
photo by Sandra Dodd, in Australia, in 2014
I wrote at the time "The water was SO GREEN—green like light, like light through green-tinted glass."
In the dark? Feel your way blindly?
How will you know which way to go?
Probably it would be better to gather ideas that will help with decision-making and then make decisions in the bright light of everything you know, and the way you would like to be.
Positive is not being cynical and not being pessimistic and not taking pride in being dark and pissy.Yesterday I added it to my newish page on Positivity. It is the least positive thing on that page. 🙂
It was hard for me to realize I wasn't being kind or generous to my kids - I think of myself as a pretty kind person, in general, and I was certainly doing things I *thought* were generous... Part of the problem I had was that I wasn't thinking about Ray's interests and desires in the moment, I was thinking about the person he might become. I was being kind and generous to the adult I hoped he would grow into, doing things that were "good for him" so he could become that adult. Setting up life lessons for kids ignores who kids are as people in favor of theoretical adults - which isn't kind to who children are right now.
Breathe in a happy memory.
Breathe out gratitude.
Breathe in hope.
Breathe out love.