Saturday, January 31, 2015

Being more present will help.

When connection is good, parents see up close their children's needs, wishes, delights, hesitations, frustrations, joys, interests, ways, limitations and so on, and creatively support them there.

When connection is less good, parents sometimes see their children as needy, demanding or unreasonable, and focus on dealing with practicalities rather than on the child and her needs.
—Debbie Regan
(but the quote is from an Always Learning post here)
photo by Colleen Prieto

1 comment:

  1. (from a side note:)

    WOW - just had to say thank for you... I am new to this, my girl is 3yrs and somehow along the way I have found your site.... it feels good to my heart and I am really loving the daily reminders - they challenge me, inspire me and are helping me to become a better mama so thanks a million for sharing for your thoughts!

    Helen :-)


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