Showing posts sorted by relevance for query /service. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query /service. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

Service and nurturing

Service and nurturing can make parents better humans.

Not being served, or being nurtured, but being of service and being nurturing to others.
photo by Chrissy Florence

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A new understanding of service

Clare Kirkpatrick wrote:

One of the things that has enabled me to really begin to understand unschooling has been a new understanding of the word 'service'.
. . . .

Now the word 'service' has only positive associations for me and is linked with the words 'honour' and 'privilege' and 'joy'. And I think also 'gratitude'. There is nothing richer than making someone's life more joyful and I get to do that at home and at work for the people in our society who need it the most.
—Clare Kirkpatrick

Longer original (you'll see what I slightly changed), lower right:
photo by Sandra Dodd

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Giving, learning and growing

antique wheelbarrow, next to a fullsized chicken made of Lego, at LegoLand Windsor

Parvine Shahid wrote, on the topic of "Service":

Being with my children, giving them in each moment all I can, learning and growing with them, changed my understanding of "service."

I have chosen to give, help and serve my children. I feel being with them has contributed towards a new understanding of the word as well as a way of building a connection with them. I can also see how it can be extended to others.

I realize how much weight a word can carry, how changes in my own feelings have lightened that weight and thrown a new light on the word itself. Service now stirs up and brings great feelings of joy.
—Parvine Shahid
photo by Sandra Dodd (click for more info)

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Service and abundance

Service is an expression of love for me. It really depends on the attitude, doesn't it? Like the half full or half empty cup....although for me it is neither but plenty in it to go around.
— Nicole Kenyon
Responses to the Question about Service
photo by Cathy Koetsier

Yesterday's link to didn't work, but it's fixed now, and is related to today's quote, too.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Joy and service

When you do things, look for the joy and service in them, and your life will be softer and more meaningful.

photo by Sandra Dodd, of ice as a bathtub toy


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Joy and service

When you do things, look for the joy and service in them, and your life will be softer and more meaningful.
photo by Sandra Dodd, of ice as a bathtub toy

Monday, October 25, 2021

Honest and true

If you offer service with the hope of reward or praise or indebtedness, it will create resentment in you and in those who received the service. If you offer service without sending the bill, anything others say or do will be an honest expression of gratitude, not the last-minute submission of the bare minimum payment for services rendered.

A "thank you" that's scripted is just noise. A "thank you" you didn't expect is true communication.

Serving Others as a Gift
photo by Rippy Dusseldorp (or someone with her camera)

Monday, February 6, 2023

Giving and connecting

[The word "Service"] stirred negative feelings for many years, until I had my first child.

Being with my children, giving them in each moment all I can, learning and growing with them, changed my understanding of "service."

I have chosen to give, help and serve my children. I feel being with them has contributed towards a new understanding of the word as well as a way of building a connection with them. I can also see how it can be extended to others.

I realize how much weight a word can carry, how changes in my own feelings have lightened that weight and thrown a new light on the word itself. Service now stirs up and brings great feelings of joy.

— Parvine Shahid
March 2015
photo by Cátia Maciel

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Service as Affection

Even with grown kids who could absolutely take care of themselves if I died or if they moved away, I'm still doing laundry for them because I want to free their time up to do more interesting things. I started running out of ways to express my affection and to support their interests when they had jobs and cars, but this is a thing I can still do. If I decided it was hurting me, I could turn around and hurt them. Lots of parents do that.

If I decide it's a way to show affection, I turn around and show them affection.

photo by Holly Dodd

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Service as a gift

Schuyler Waynforth wrote:

It's amazing to see doing for others as a gift. It takes the whole angst about servitude away

There isn't any servitude in it when it's a gift.

—Schuyler Waynforth
photo by Amber Ivey

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A wonderful, surprising abundance

Megan Valnes, when her daughter was younger, wrote:

Today, while making my older daughter's bed, I was reflecting on the very act itself. The girls have a bunk bed and Lila's is on the top, so I have to climb up there and she has about 20 stuffed animals--it's what I would have used to think of as a pain. Instead of feeling overworked and underpaid as I made her bed, I found myself taking extra care to make her bed very nicely because I know how good it feels to sleep in a freshly made bed. I tucked the sheets and blankets in tight and cleaned off any food crumbs. Thinking of my sweet girl, I made the bed as perfectly as I thought she would like. Her stuffed animals are placed in their special places and her bed looks very cozy and inviting. Even if she never mentions it (which I doubt she will), I feel good knowing she will appreciate the gesture.

Is this the abundance everyone talks about? This fullness of heart that I no longer think of making beds as a chore, but as an act of service and gratitude? The feeling was such a wonderful surprise!
—Megan Valnes
photo by Cass Kotrba

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Easy to miss

Something BIG happens when a person turns away from selfishness to service.

Something HUGE happens when a person can care about another person more than about himself.
photo by Sandra Dodd

(Thanks to Marta Pires for saving that quote,
from a recent discussion.)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Joy, awe and magic

By someone who sees service in a very positive light:

kitchen sink, wall of windows, flowers on the sill
"It is a matter of choice. You choose to serve others, to see it as a divine gift and to be filled with joy, awe and magic. You could also see it as a simple unpaid chore and feel miserable and make everyone miserable. The act is the same; the attitude is different and so the atmosphere you create is different."
—Manuela Jaramillo
photo by Sandra Dodd

Friday, May 11, 2012

A simple gesture

Taking food to someone who is reading or playing a game or watching a movie and just putting it where he or she can reach it without any instructions, warnings or reminders is a great gift. It is a simple gesture, and a profound service.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sharing time

When we "give someone our time," what is it we give? Sometimes attention, or service. Maybe assistance, or advice.

Instead of thinking that I "give" my child my time, it helps to think of us sharing a moment, together.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Helping one another grow

Of her birth family, Rippy wrote:

My family used to regularly travel to India to a Sikh ashram where we were encouraged to examine our thoughts and words. The philosophy there was that helping one another grow into more loving, mindful people is one of the greatest acts of service one can do.
—Rippy Dusseldorp Saran

Kinder and More Compassionate

Sunday, April 21, 2024

What is needed?

There is personal growth in quietly providing what is needed.

The world is made better by those who notice and attend to needs.
photo by Gail Higgins

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Turning away, turning toward

Something BIG happens when a person turns away from selfishness to service.

Something HUGE happens when a person can care about another person more than about himself.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Monday, December 18, 2023

Positive, inspired, happy

Ripandeep Saran wrote:

When I was 14 years old, I asked the leader of the Sikh ashram I was visiting what to do when I am feeling blue and he told me the scriptures advise meditation, service and giving gratitude. He told me that it is also the same advice for when you are happy.

This all helps me keep my cup full. That is what works best for me - keeping my cup full of positive, inspired, happy energy as much as possible. Life has its ups and downs, but I like to focus more on the ups and put myself in the best possible position to help myself out when I am down. I am more sensitive than most people, and I feel very deeply. If I had not learned early in life how to deal with my lows, life might not have been as wonderful as it has been.
—Ripandeep Saran
(a.k.a. Rippy Dusseldorp)

The quote is from

but I also saved it at
photo by Marta Venturini

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Part of creating a learning environment is creating a safe, generous, loving environment.
photo of Alex by Holly