Saturday, November 12, 2022

Smile and create peace

I know that I can change the whole mood in my household simply by smiling and "be"ing happy. It creates a happy energy that infects others around me. I remember when both my girls were babies, I would cradle them in my arms and consciously smile and create peace in my heart while I was holding them. Sometimes, I was tired or anxious for them to fall asleep and it would make me feel less happy about that moment, so to shift it was a positive thing to do. I have happy memories of rocking my babies, while they seem to have a happy peace about them, and I think that is why my mood shifts will change theirs, even still now that one is 14 and one is 6.
Jenny Cyphers
(whose girls are grown now)

photo by Cátia Maciel


  1. I needed this reminder this morning. It was easy to remember with my kids, it’s less so now in general, with others.

  2. My mother died just a few days before this photo. I can clearly remember waking up at the camping site, with the homeschooling group and being unsure if it was correct to even be there after such an event. It was a choice for me to smile and stay focused on my kids. They had a blast and i was able to feel in peace and smile a lot in the midst of my sadness.


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