Sunday, August 9, 2020

Being gentle

Children whose parents are gentle will understand what that's good for.

Be the sort of person you want your child to be.

It's better for the cat, if you do that.
photo by Amber Ivey

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Safe inside

If it happens that there are dangerous things outside the house, try to keep the inside safe and comfortable.

Happy, safe and comfortable
photo by Gail Higgins

Friday, August 7, 2020

Peace where you are

Resting is fine.
Waiting can be good.
Stretching out at home and being still might be the best response to much of life.

Find some peace
and calm
wherever you are.
photo by Karen James

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Flexible uses

Creativity and intelligence are seen in the ability to use a tool or an object for something other than its intended purpose. If you see your child (or your cat) doing something "wrong," set rules aside long enough to consider principles.

Sleep is important. Curiosity leads to discovery and to new connections. Shade can come from things other than trees or roofs.

Let your mind leap and frolic.

CONNECTIONS: How Learning Works
photo by Belinda Dutch

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The joys that come

We can't control or contain the world, but we can appreciate the joys that come.

photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What lights them up?

Caren Knox wrote:

The most effective thing I did to help my sons be their whole, individual, unharmed selves was to support, encourage, and enrich their interests, choices, and enjoyments - even when I feared that their choices might have negative repercussions, or their choices made me feel uncomfortable.

           . . . .

Look at your kids, watch your kids. What lights them up? Do & support more of that.

—Caren Knox

original, on facebook
photo by Amber Ivey

Monday, August 3, 2020

Unschooling Discussion 2020

New discussion, on Facebook, as of August 1
Unschooling Discussion 2020
[Still there as an archive. —Sandra, 2021]

photo by Sandra Dodd