Friday, November 11, 2016

A useful gate

"Rather than experiencing you as a gate that either opens or closes, let him experience you as someone he can depend on to help."
—Joyce Fetteroll
in a discussion November 10, 2016, on facebook
photo by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Food and art

Food can be art, and there is art about food.

Some thing are obvious, like cake decoration, or piemaking. But even when you make a sandwich, it can be cut artfully and arranged nicely on a plate. You could use matching dishes, even if you're only feeding one child.

Aesthetics! Look for beauty, and create a bit of it.
photo by Jacki, Hannah's mom, long ago

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What do you call it?

This photo shows healthy, blooming native plants, layers of natural hillside, and hand-hewn cedar fence posts.

Or I could tell you that there's a state highway up above a mis-matched bunch of broken-down fence around an overgrown cemetery.

Both are true.
Which made you feel better?

Help others to see beauty and to feel abundance.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Confidence deepens

Karen James wrote:

"Be present. Be engaged. Celebrate the joy of a child doing anything and everything they feel thrilled about. Notice what they're learning as they play and watch. It's all pretty amazing. Build on what you learn about your child. Confidence deepens when a child is supported in whatever they find captivating. Confidence grows for the parent when they're paying attention to what the child is learning from their chosen activities."
—Karen James
photo by Janine Davies

Monday, November 7, 2016


Another year, another hemisphere, flowers now gone.

Orion in New Zealand

Seasons and flowers are variable, and local. Deserts and jungles, mountains and shorelines, all have special things to discover at different times of the day, and of the season, and of the year.

Be still and appreciate the many peaceful moments. Store up gentle memories.
photo by Jihong Tang

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Patterns from reflection

Barbara Handley wrote:

"Quiet time is an integral aspect of self-discovery --- apparent periods of laziness can actually be the most fruitful intellectual and spiritual discovery times. Imagine a sand art frame...first you shake it and the result is a chaotic pattern of colored sand and water; then you let it rest. The sand falls to the bottom of the frame forming intricate and beautiful patterns which would never be revealed if you continued to shake the frame. The same applies to our process of positively integrating information so that we can make sense of the world; time for reflection and contemplation is a critical part of the process, allowing the patterns to be revealed."
—Barbara Handley

Quote's source
photo by Lydia Koltai

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Old and new

New things are added to old things. Antiques are repaired. New children meet old people. Forgotten toys are re-discovered.
Change is part of growth, of life, of past and of future.
photo by Sandra Dodd