Friday, September 11, 2015

Just discussing life, hanging out...

Nobody kept their kids home for 18 or 20 years just discussing life with them, hanging out, playing games.

We probably wouldn't be either, if it weren't that we're biding time until the clock runs out on compulsory education.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, September 10, 2015

More than "not school"

There are aspects of learning and living that people forget about when they claim that a school can provide what unschooling provides.
photo and "Barbie art" by Holly Dodd

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stream of Shakespearean Consciousness

Instead of a quote, I'm going to list words and terms from a page called "One Thing Leads to Another, and some things are Shakespeare":

Buffy, Angel, Jeopardy, pizza, a priest, Asterix, Animaniacs, "Go Fish", hemlock, Harry Potter, Looney Tunes, Vishal Bhardwaj, The Reduced Shakespeare Company, The Simpsons and Star Trek.

There are happy Shakespeare stories from several families here:
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Loud, happy homes

A loud, happy home is more peaceful than a quiet home where people are afraid to "disturb the peace."
photo by Sandra Dodd

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tied up in words

Thinking you "have to" do something keeps you from making a choice.
photo by Janine

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sets and patterns

In music, art, weather, foods, clothes, trees, games... there are patterns repeating and changing over time and space.

Whether it's the observation of a moment, or a collection made over many years, notice and enjoy as life carries you through.

The writing above isn't a quote, but here's a good follow-on:
photo by Sandra Dodd

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Knuckles, the past and the future

Thirty days hath September,
All the rest I can't remember.
The calendar hangs on the wall;
Why bother me with this at all?

That's a rhyme that goes around, in protest of a longer and more complicated thing kids used to be pressed to memorize. Some of those kids are still alive, but the antique "hath" remains.

Times change, though. People don't flip through calendars on the wall so much as they ask Siri or Google, or look at the calendar on the iPad. Phones know what date it is, and what time zone you're in.

Go to this page to see how to calculate month lengths with your knuckles:
image by Andrew and Glenda Sikes