Saturday, March 28, 2015

Joy and Ease

If the goal is to know everything, and if each person's internal "universe" is unique, then the order in which the information is acquired isn't as important as the ease and joy with which it is absorbed.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Friday, March 27, 2015

Choose Choices (...repeat)

"Children have to be taught to self-regulate." That "rule" is parroted by non-thinking parents with great regularity. It can be replaced with "I would like to help my child make thoughtful choices."

If you think of controlling yourself, and of your children controlling themselves, it's still about control. If people live by principles their choices come easily.
. . .
When you hear or say "They will self-regulate," think to yourself: "They will learn to make choices."
Quote is from page 56 (or 61) of The Big Book of Unschooling.
photo by Sandra Dodd

This post first appeared in May 2013.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Where joy is...

"Where joy is, you will find learning. Where joy is, you will find flow."

—Clare Kirkpatrick (not the source, but a companion link)
photo by Karen James

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sleep, sleepity sleep

bright white moonflower, amid tall green vines, in the dark

At 3:30 a.m., I wake up (woke up, if things went well) to take Keith to the airport, so he can fly to Texas to help our firstborn child move home. Kirby has worked for Blizzard for nine years. He moved to Austin just as he turned twenty-one. He misses New Mexico.

This personal story is a substitute for an inspiring quote. I'm sleepy, and rather than stay awake until I've found a perfect word and image combo, I will share why I went to sleep early.
photo by Sandra Dodd, of moonflower vines outside my bedroom,
which I plan to grow there again this year


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hats and fantasies

Karen James wrote:

What I saw on tv influenced how I saw the world. It gave me so much to play with, so many more hats to try on, so many more diverse fantasies to dream up. I'm glad I didn't have adults telling me I should be doing something different or that what I was choosing to do wasn't good for me. I wouldn't be the person I am today without those experiences.
—Karen James
photo by Sandra Dodd, of Marty as Dr. Strangelove, and others at a party
where the theme was to dress as a favorite movie character

Monday, March 23, 2015


Words and thoughts and emotion are all entangled. Untangle. will help, but the original writing is here

photo by Sandra Dodd, of Marty in a Viking-style cow mask he made.
It seemed the knotwork could represent entangled thoughts, but
really he's supposed to be a Viking dressed as a cow.
You know how that goes.


Sunday, March 22, 2015


Old and new technology and art are everywhere if you look, and remember that not all learning needs to be important or recorded or reported.

TV antennas on top of a little tile-roofed bell tower, on an adobe building

Roll another one at Thinking Sticks: Playing with Ideas
photo by Sandra Dodd