Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Air and sunshine

Lay your fears out to dry in the air and sunshine.
photo by Janine (click it, and again, for details)
(I'm grateful to Mia Fiore for saying something nice about the quote, and so inspiring me to use it.)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Being; trusting; seeing

"Unschooling, in a very real sense, is a mindfulness practice. Being in the moment with our children, trusting the flow of life, seeing our connections to them and to all of the universe."
—Ren Allen

I don't remember who took the photo, but it's of me, Marty and Kirby

Sunday, February 22, 2015

They just like it

My children have curiosity and joy and compassion. I will not trade that for all the worksheets in the state. My children have never 'gotten an F' and they've never gotten an A. They like learning because they like it.

photo by Lisa Jonick

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beauty in the moment

Parvine Shahid wrote:

Eyo and I were looking through photos and we came across a couple he had taken during our last flight from London.

I was reminded of that moment we were sitting on the plane, looking out of the window. He decided to take some pictures and said, "We are out of Earth—it looks like we could walk on the clouds!"

The world can look very different in each moment and that reminded me of the importance of slowing down to be able to see the beauty in each one.
—Parvine Shahid

photo by Eyo Shahid (click it, to enlarge)

Friday, February 20, 2015

One of the best parts

"If you want to unschool. You should be willing to—expecting to—rejoicing to!—grow and change. It's one of the best parts."
—Lisa J Haugen
in a facebook discussion

photo by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mystery word history

Many words carry a story with them. Why an old word here, and a new word there? If you can't figure it out, maybe you know someone you could ask, or you could look around.

Don't believe every word-history story you read on the internet; there's some nonsense, but you can learn how to double-check, and after playing with etymology a while, you'll get better at spotting fiction.

photo by Holly Dodd, in India

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Special places

What memories, sights and sounds can make a place special?a cat in a child's indoor play tent
photo by Marta Pires (but the tent is here, too)

Other special-place posts:
Normal or exotic? and Learning at home, and in other special places