Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beyond the door

"Stop looking at the door. See the richness that exists beyond the door."
—Joyce Fetteroll
(Insert mental image
of your door
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Leaning toward balance

On finding balance:
Lean by thoughts and decisions.
Lean toward what you understand, and what makes sense.

Too far? Lean back.
Just right? Do more with your children, while you're in that state.
photo by Sandra Dodd; Castle of the Moors, in Portugal

Monday, July 15, 2013

"Do we have to learn this?"

fun, fake Central American site, in a hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada
My children have never asked, "Do we have to learn this?" They don't have to learn anything. So everything is equally fun for them. The joy of unexpected discovery is the substance of a typical unschooling day.
photo by Marty Dodd

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Make room in your heart

Be your child's friend.

Make room in your heart and your life and your house for your child and his interests.
Adam in a dragon costume
photo by Julie D

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Changing gears

Deschooling is like changing gears.

Go slowly. Go deliberately.

Don't goof around. Don't stall.

How can both be true?
The clutch and the gas.

photo by Sandra Dodd, recently
coloring by Holly Dodd, years ago
light switch plate by Sandra, years ago


Friday, July 12, 2013

Secret recipe?

Kelly Lovejoy wrote once, in a lively discussion:

I think (almost) *everyone* would like kind, respectful, generous, polite children. I just think they haven't found the recipe yet.
We have!

I responded:

But when I try to tell them, their next thought is that Marty must be just an exceptional human to whom the regular "truths" don't apply.

So few people have seen a person who's not so scarred by social business-as-usual life that they can't imagine it. We've seen it but others don't believe us.
photo by Liam, a houseguest

Footnote to what's above: There are other factors, and not all unschoolers get exceptionally generous children, but when the parents adopt those positive traits and live lovingly, they provide the possibility.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nurturing our spirit

7/11/13  Nurturing our spirit photo IMG_2638.jpg

"[W]e are drawn to exploring ourselves, to finding that depth of engagement in life, with all its twists and turns and ups and downs. For maybe the first time we really see the value in nurturing our spirit. It stuns us. We marvel that the journey we started to fully and deeply support our children and their learning has turned so completely around and we are learning so much from them about being alive and fully engaged with life."
photo by Colleen Prieto