Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Learn by playing

Children learn by playing. Parents can learn about unschooling by playing.

Parents can learn about their children by playing, too. Don't try to control the play. Be the guest in your child's play sometimes. If you've forgotten how to play or he doesn't want you to play, just watch, then. See if you can help by providing more of whatever he might need: space, materials, a surface, boxes or bags or tools or a photo of what he's done so he won't feel so bad about taking it apart, maybe. Maybe he needs a light to keep playing outside at night, or maybe a darkened room in the house to play with something that glows.

photo by Sandra Dodd of flower fairies by a younger Holly Dodd

Monday, August 15, 2011

Full-time learning environment

Unschooling is a form of homeschooling; it's a way to homeschool. The method is to create and maintain a full-time learning environment in which learning happens at home and away, from as many sources as the family comes across.

from "Methods," page 109,The Big Book of Unschooling
photo by Sandra Dodd

Sunday, August 14, 2011

the simple truth

"I have seen, again and again, the simple truth that the more a parent plays with, listens to, and includes their child, the better their relationship."
—Claire Horsley

photo by Holly Dodd

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Calm and Quiet

Please take time for reflection. Take time for your mind to be calm and quiet. Take time to be open to input, not busy creating output. Don't respond, think. Take the ideas and let them "be" in your mind and go spend lots of time with your children and consider and observe how the ideas might play out in your own home with your own kids.
—Pam Sorooshian

photo by Sandra Dodd

Friday, August 12, 2011

Unexpected discovery

My children have never asked, "Do we have to learn this?" They don't have to learn anything. So everything is equally fun for them. The joy of unexpected discovery is the substance of a typical unschooling day.

Typical Unschooling Day (Presidents)
photo by Holly Dodd

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stand with your child

In a discussion about limitations and choices, Joanna Murphy wrote:

People want to look at these issues as though there are only two options: free rein or limit. Black or white thinking. There is a whole world of conversation and relationship with your children between the two extremes.And that's where unschooling lives—a child exploring their world in connection with a parent.

Are you going to be a parent who enlarges your child's world and helps them to find their own power and hone their decision making and critical thinking abilities, or will you be a parent who limits and closes down your child's world and imposes your own ideas of right and wrong?

Stand WITH your child to navigate these issues, not in their way. The more you let them make important decisions, the more they will think them through and strive to make good ones for themselves.
—Joanna Murphy

Joanna Murphy, from Building an Unschooling Nest
photo by Sandra Dodd

(in French)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Treat your children as people first.

(a paraphrase of Dan Vilter, paraphrasing me,
and the whole story is at SandraDodd.com/tone)
photo by Sandra Dodd