photo by Sarah S.
(source of quote)
1) choose your friends, co-workers carefullyThat's doesn't include the conversations brought up by the talk radio playing in the stolen vehicles.
2) how to buy and sell stocks
3) some yoga poses
4) new vocabulary
"Unschooling stems from the premise that learning is natural and personal - and as such it depends utterly on the individual's perceptions and perspectives. It is not something that can be given or created from the outside. There is no way to guarantee what another person will learn. From that perspective, teaching isn't so much bad as superstitious."
Some of what we have used to be elsewhere. Some of what is at our house will be other places someday. Patterns come and go like cloud pictures, and we ourselves are part of that changing swirl of life and beauty.
"What it takes to build a rich life is you — your time, energy, imagination, openness, passion, and optimism." —Claire Horsley |
I hope it doesn't sound like I'm just philosophizing (in a non-helpful way) about anger. I have collected these tidbits about anger because it has played a big part in my own life. It is only in the past few years that I can consistently count on myself to act the way I want to, even when "driven to anger." Knowing these things about anger have helped my own self-awareness, which led to much more peaceful behavior on my part.
photo by Nina Haley
Say "yes."
They won't be three forever! Their understanding and needs will grow and change as they get older.
Conventional parenting is not about being present with kids. It's about giving kids rules as a replacement for being there. Same can go for information. Information shouldn't be a substitute for being there and being aware. We should let kids know that cars can hurt them, which is why we steer them clear of the street. But we shouldn't then depend on kids understanding. We need to be there. We need to be aware of our child's tendencies to run to the street when in that type of situation. We need to avoid as much as we can places where they can run into the street until they can understand.
I didn't know, years ago, that unschooling could strengthen a marriage. I did know that a good marriage would strengthen unschooling.
I have been criticized, over the years, for encouraging people to be kind and compassionate to partners or spouses. I have also been thanked by people whose marriages became stronger because of those ideas, or by the use of unschooling principes in general.
Although I am sympathetic to people whose marriages have failed for reasons beyond their control, there are divorces that could have been avoided, and there are relationships still in the future that could benefit by being bathed in sweetness and patience, humor and positivity.
Gradually you will notice more and more learning, and soon it will be happening all the time!
If you just do the nice things, that's what good partners do.
Once some firewood yielded a surprise.
Think of love, and think of warmth. Remember warm love past, hope for warm love in the future, and help provide warm love now, if you can.
The world is irritating and frustrating these days. I try not to irritate or frustrate others. When I succeed, that makes their moments better, and mine too.
Live Lightly.
Real Learning