photo by Gail Higgins
Monday, February 28, 2022
Positives (look around)
photo by Gail Higgins
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Children learn
If an experience is new and different, children learn.
photo by Nina Haley
Saturday, February 26, 2022
More "yes"
If you're moving from rules and measurements and prohibitions, let them eat more. Let them eat less.
If they ask for another cookie you could say "Okay! Do you want milk, too?"
Don't say "Yes, but only one more" and don't say "Yes, as many as you want."
Say "yes."
photo by Sarah S.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Depth and breadth
Unschoolers should be offering interesting experiences, ideas, stimulation, music, logic, conversation, images, movement, discovery, beauty, etc. Brain food in abundance. It requires effort. It requires attention to qualitative and quantitative aspects of learning. Depth and breadth—creating a lifestyle in which kids are offered the opportunity to learn a lot about some things and a little about a lot of things.
photo by Roya Dedeaux
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Oh, wait!
photo by Sandra Dodd
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Nurture and encourage
If so, a person should be able to create positivity.
Nurture and encourage and enable happiness.
photo by Sadie Brown
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Being present with kids
They won't be three forever! Their understanding and needs will grow and change as they get older.
Conventional parenting is not about being present with kids. It's about giving kids rules as a replacement for being there. Same can go for information. Information shouldn't be a substitute for being there and being aware. We should let kids know that cars can hurt them, which is why we steer them clear of the street. But we shouldn't then depend on kids understanding. We need to be there. We need to be aware of our child's tendencies to run to the street when in that type of situation. We need to avoid as much as we can places where they can run into the street until they can understand.
photo by Sandra Dodd
Monday, February 21, 2022
Up and above
Hope and optimism will help you float up and above.

photo by Abby Davis
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Maintenance moment
I am VERY sorry not to have a better post today, but I have glitched something up and just discovered it.
I'll be back, better, tomorrow!
Best wishes,
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Controversial topic
I didn't know, years ago, that unschooling could strengthen a marriage. I did know that a good marriage would strengthen unschooling.
photo by a waiter, with my camera, 2011
P.S. Why is that controversial?
I have been criticized, over the years, for encouraging people to be kind and compassionate to partners or spouses. I have also been thanked by people whose marriages became stronger because of those ideas, or by the use of unschooling principes in general.
Although I am sympathetic to people whose marriages have failed for reasons beyond their control, there are divorces that could have been avoided, and there are relationships still in the future that could benefit by being bathed in sweetness and patience, humor and positivity.
Friday, February 18, 2022
More and more learning
Gradually you will notice more and more learning, and soon it will be happening all the time!
photo by Sandra Dodd
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Decision making requires lots of data and thought and freedom and discernment.
photo by Holly Dodd
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Energy, focus and choices
photo by Rosie Moon
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Do the nice things.
If you just do the nice things, that's what good partners do.
photo by Rippy Dusseldorp
Monday, February 14, 2022
Getting warmer
Once some firewood yielded a surprise.
Think of love, and think of warmth. Remember warm love past, hope for warm love in the future, and help provide warm love now, if you can.
The world is irritating and frustrating these days. I try not to irritate or frustrate others. When I succeed, that makes their moments better, and mine too.
photo by Kelly Halldorson
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Live Lightly
Live Lightly.
Real Learningphoto by Sandra Dodd
See also:
Light on light; Sources of light; and Sun, or Moon, or Fire
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Music as healing
[T]his little ukulele has done for me what none of the stuff that I did as a child ever did, nor what my ranting and raving about my school experiences did. It has let me see how much I enjoy making music. And I enjoy the intellectual pursuit of the skill of making music. ...
So that's part of how I heal from school damage. I enjoy my life doing things that I couldn't do through school.
photo by Sandra Dodd (of Schuyler, with a different ukelele)
Friday, February 11, 2022
photo by Karen James
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Prevention and healing
"Every time I prevent something damaging happening to one of my children, it's like healing a little bit of me. Every time I help my children achieve something wonderful, it's a little bit like healing that little girl that would've like that to happen for me! I love gifting my kids with that! It helps make me a better person to give my kids something better!"
photo by Cathy Koetsier
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
With patience and with gratitude
Be as good as you can be as often as you can be.
photo by Cátia Maciel
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Goop, fire, snowballs
When one person says "I like science" and another says "I don't like science," I remember school science textbooks that had geology, astronomy, chemistry, botany, biology, agriculture and physics all in one book.
photo by Sandra Dodd
Monday, February 7, 2022
Selflessly and sweetly
photo by Gail Higgins
Sunday, February 6, 2022
"What paths we will follow..."
but there were monsters, too
photo by Tessa Onderwater
Saturday, February 5, 2022
Happiness is better
"Being happy has never diminished my partnership, and being miserable has never enhanced it."
photo by Rippy Dusseldorp
Friday, February 4, 2022
Choices can abound
Choices can abound. Parents can arrange life so that their children have choices all the time, and learn to see their own actions as choices rather than "have to's," but none of them can give their children "the freedom" to do as they wish at MY house. Nor in a shop, nor a public place. Certainly not in a national park, or museum, or church.
photo by Amber Ivey
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Flow, sparkle, joy
(quote from 2014, preserved here]
photo by Nina Haley
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Math without numbers
screenshot by Holly Dodd, of the game FlipPix
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Fly when ready
So people hadn’t considered that they could totally avoid that, that that would be a natural offshoot of radical unschooling.
Keith and I did think, early on, we said what we are doing is inoculating our kids against the trait of some, or the fact of some kids leaving with the first person who says “Hey baby, you wanna live with me?” or “Oh, let’s go get a house”, or, you know, that sort of energy of young people luring other young people out and away, to other states, to other places, to dangerous neighborhoods. We said "It’s going to have to be a pretty good offer to beat what they have at home."
And so that becomes a safety factor too. If the children know that they can stay at home, then someone who comes and says, "Hey do you want come do something with me? Do you want to come live with me?"—it better be a good offer.
photo by Karen James