Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Freeing advice

"If there is one piece of advice I could give people it would be to see everything they do as a choice. It is so incredibly freeing. 🙂 It seems like the only reason we do so many unpleasant things in life is because we don't have a choice. But it's the perception of not having a choice makes them doubly onerous."
—Joyce Fetteroll
The Value of Choices
photo by Amy Milstein

Sunday, October 20, 2019


The more that parents can accommodate children's simple desires, the calmer and happier those children will be.
Nice, and patient
photo by Destiny Dodd

Friday, October 18, 2019

Curiosity and beauty

You can't see beauty without wanting to see some. Once you're looking through curiosity-tinted glasses, you will see a thousand interesting things.

(a little longer, on facebook)
photo by Sandra Dodd

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sorry... here's news

I've missed a couple of days. I could tell stories, but the highlights would be:
  • computer damage (it's in the shop, but that's where the photos are for this)
  • new granddaughter named Tommy (she's in NICU, but she is okay—preemie, but healthy)
  • remodelling had some problems that stressed me (back on track now)

There have been other frights and frustrations, but everyone is alive and mostly healthy. I was unable to get in here, and might be gone another few days, but I'll be back! Probably. 🙂

Good thing there's a randomizer. Good thing there are way over 3,000 posts you can peruse, revisit, frolic in.

Best wishes, and be happy,


photo by Sandra Dodd

Monday, October 14, 2019

Don't always finish what you start

The only things that should be finished are those things that seem worthwhile to do.
. . . .
Wanting your children to learn to ignore their own judgment in favor of following a rule is not beneficial to them or to you. It will not help them learn.

Thoughts about finishing what you start
photo by Sandra Dodd

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Look at the moon

I don't look at the moon enough. Sometimes when I do, it amazes me.

Sometimes the moon seems to be the same old moon. Sometimes it doesn't show at all. Sometimes it shows in the daytime.

Perhaps, look at your child more. Sometimes when you do, it might amaze you.

photo by Gail Higgins

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Big world, and full

"When we can we should always do more, offer more, think more, and make our bit of the world as big and full as we can for our kids. Our kid's lives get bigger and better when our thinking gets bigger and better."
—Deb Lewis
photo by Jo Isaac