Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Comfort and entertainment

Here's how unschooling can help: Look right at her, this moment, and do what will comfort or entertain her. Do that as many moments as you can, until she's helping you find things that are comforting and entertaining.

Comfort and entertainment can lead to all the learning in the world, if you start when a child is young.
photo by Amy Milstein

Monday, February 25, 2019

Some of the moments...

"I see all that time and energy and attention as an investment—in my son, and in my own future. If I get to grow old, I hope these are some of the moments that bring colour to my winters."
—Karen James

photo by Amy Milstein

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Nice, and patient

Being nice to another person is what makes one nice.

Being patient with another person is what makes one patient.

If a parent says hatefully "BE GOOD," he's not being very good.

Instead of telling a young child "Be nice, and be patient," the parent should be nice, and patient. It's a generality, and a truism, but it's generally true.

photo by Sandra Dodd, in June 2016

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Odd traditions

People do things without thinking much about them, sometimes.

We give people fire for their birthdays, but they can't keep it. "Here is your ceremonial fire," and people sing, and applaud, and it is time for that fire to be extinguished in exchange for a wish.

A child helped me learn that. It's good to be willing to learn things that are true without worrying about the source.

photo by Roya Dedeaux

Friday, February 22, 2019

Produce Happiness

Having a happy home comes from the creation and maintenance of happy conditions. Produce as much as you can. You'll fill yourself up and it will overflow, and your family might even have enough to share with friends and strangers!

That was written in explanation of having shared a quote I got from watching "Being Erica," a Canadian TV series, in which Dr. Tom (one of the main characters) quoted George Bernard Shaw: "We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it."

photo by Julie D

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Scary shadows

Sometimes children want to puff up and be bigger, and stronger, and braver, than they normally are. Help them play that, if they want to.

Sometimes children want to be a little bit scared, for fun. They might want something spooky. Stay near, and spook them gently. Be quick to change the game if "peek-a-boo" becomes too much.

It's natural for kids to think about power, and fear, and heroics, the same way kittens and puppies play rough.

photo by Sandra Dodd

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Like nothing else

If a parent can learn how to "facilitate learning"—to help a child get what he needs or wants—rather than to direct or try to own it, all of unschooling goes better. And if a child learns to read without "reading instruction," that can open the world up like nothing else can.

photo by Alicia Gonzalez-Lopez