Thursday, March 29, 2018

Work can be fun

When the adults are happy and the children have choices, work can be fun.
photo by Sabine Mellinger

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Most of what happens in the world, I will never see.

Most of what happens in my own back yard, I don't see.

Most of what I see, I don't understand, or fully consider. That's the way the world is. That's the way people are.

You will see some beauty.
You will understand some things.

Seeing and being
photo by Ester Siroky

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Here and there

Here and there can be in the same place, when we combine them in the same thought, or image. Connect past and future, near and far, personal and universal.

Frolic in your mind.
eclipse photo by Karen James

Monday, March 26, 2018

Your child's mother

"Instead of being my mother's child, I am my children's mother."

The quote is from "Knowing Everything." The title refers to something Kirby asked me when he was little. The rest of the essay is here:

The story also appears in the book Moving a Puddle.

photo by Holly Dodd

Sunday, March 25, 2018

A side effect of unschooling

"The goal of unschooling is not education. It is to help a child be who she is and blossom into who she will become. Education happens as side effect."
—Joyce Fetteroll

Waiting for proof?
photo by Cátia Maciel

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Choice by choice

People can come nearer to the way they would like to be, but only incrementally, choice by choice.

Choosing more peace
photo by Cathy Koetsier

Friday, March 23, 2018

Safe and comfortable

Jenny Cyphers wrote:

In my own experience, I am the protector of my child. From the day each child was born, I took on the responsibility to ensure that my children were safe and comfortable and loved and supported. That didn't stop when we disagreed. It didn't stop when the stakes were high. It didn't stop just because it was a difficult part of life"
—Jenny Cyphers
photo by Amber Ivey