Thursday, December 21, 2017

Real and good

Every choice you make should be made consciously, thoughtfully, for real and good reasons.
photo by Chrissy Florence

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

"I can do better next time."

If something goes wrong—car breaks down, electric bill isn't paid, yard flooded... What can be changed to help prevent it in the future?

One needs the ability to calmly look back and see what (if anything) they contributed to the failure.

I could say "Fords always break down; the power company SUCKS; my yard is stupid." But it's better to think "I should check the oil more often; paying the bill early is better than waiting til the last minute; I need to clear that drain so the water can flow out."

Spiritual/Existential Intelligence chat transcript
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Natural / unnatural combo

"A big part of natural learning is absorbing ideas and letting them swirl around in the background. They clarify. They form connections. If the subject comes up again in a few months, you may be surprised how differently you're looking at what you were wondering about."
—Joyce Fetteroll

Sometimes natural and unnatural things combine in surprising ways, and that can be a fun part of the swirl.
Christmas cactus art and photo by Janine Davies

Monday, December 18, 2017


Many things have lots of layers.

"In-depth knowledge" is about knowing more than just the surface of an idea.
photo by Sandra Dodd (up above the front door of my house, one day)

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Simple and life changing

Unschooling is not as easy as some people think it is. It can be fun, and simple, and life changing, if it is done deeply and thoroughly.
photo by Cátia Maciel

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Different ways, different days

My children discuss behavior and social interactions as easily as they discuss Nintendo or their own cats and dogs. When I was their age, psychology, comparative religion and anthropology were far in my future. My kids might not have much formal terminology, but they're extremely conversant and certainly can think in those areas without knowing they're too young (by the book) to do so. They understand well that there are many versions of historical events. They understand that there are different ways to act in different situations, and with people who have particular beliefs and preferences. Some adults could use knowing that.
photo by Holly Dodd

Friday, December 15, 2017


"Time passes, they grow and they change and they move on in their interests and abilities."
photo by Julie D