Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Patterns and dots

Giraffe to ride, on an outdoor carouselFind, consider, value connections.

Notice, contemplate, appreciate patterns.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Monday, March 24, 2014


"We're meant to be delighting in who they are, not just accepting."
—Karen Lee

The quote is from a presentation in Melbourne on March 23;
This page is about delight, too: SandraDodd.com/joyce/deschooling
photo by Bruno Machado

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Respect and acceptance

cast statue of a young person, eyes shaded by hand, standing in the pool of a fountain
Respect and acceptance are more important than test scores and "performance." Understanding is more important than recitation.

photo by Sandra Dodd

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Switching words around

Yesterday's quote had the phrase "playful and full of wonder." It seemed to me for a moment that "playful and full" was awkward. But it was a quote. I wrote it last year; it's published.

If it were math, we would make the phrases match—give them a common denominator, or base, or something.
Or they would be commutative. Wonderful and full of play? Full of play and full of wonder?

I think words are wonderful, and it's good to play with them. Sometimes, take the words out of the air, off the page, out of your thoughts and turn them over. Feel how old they are, how solid, how useful. When it comes to language, be playful and full of wonder!

(The words above aren't at the link but other words are!)
photo by Karen James
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Friday, March 21, 2014

Playful and full of wonder

Being with our children in direct and mindful ways made us kinder, gentler and more accepting. We were more playful and full of wonder, as we saw the world through their eyes.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, March 20, 2014


"I am seven years old. I am sitting comfortably with a convenient, safe place to rest my face. Safe. On my father's lap. I can feel the heat from a fire. I can hear voices—I can recognize many of them. I hear singing. I feel singing. The vibrations of my dad's baritone voice through his wool clothing…"
—Holly Dodd

Read the rest at SandraDodd.com/sleep/memories
photo by Sandra Dodd

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nothing or something

Despite reports to the contrary, unschooling is not "doing nothing." There's a great deal of doing involved!
fountain made of junk, water coming from a fish sculpture
MomLogic interview, 2010
(the post title is vaguely Vicky Pollard-ish)
photo by Sandra Dodd