Make each moment the best moment it can be. Be where you are with your body, mind and soul. It's the only place you can be, anyway. The rest is fantasy.
(79 and 80 of the 2019 edition)
photo by Holly Dodd
At what age did you begin providing regular social interactions with other children?I will say "from birth" and then I will ask you to replace "other children" with "other people."
When pretend violence exists without the other issues (parenting, school, neglect) it just doesn't have the effect that people fear it will.
For kids who are respected and loved, all sorts of aspects of life that they wouldn't want in their lives can be interesting to visit through fantasy. When you know you'd have to give up the things you value in life to have the "fun" of a violent life as well as the real life consequences, why would anyone choose it? It's only the kids who are growing up severely lacking in love, understanding, support, respect that see violence as a means to something better.