Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Enjoy the landscape

Karen James wrote in 2012:

My nine-year-old son ran into the kitchen yesterday while I was fixing a snack for us to take back to our game of Minecraft saying he had finally figured out how to make a "logic gate" using redstone. He was jumping up and down, so thrilled with his accomplishment. I wasn't even sure what a logic gate was, nor how to make one. We quickly returned to the game where he proceeded to educate me by building trap after trap for me to trip, and invention after invention to me to use, all using this new skill he figured out. We played for over two hours together, at which point he stopped and said he wanted to see if his friend was available to play out back with him. I stayed at the game for a bit, building, and trying to figure out what he had done 😉

A good chunk of our days are filled with gaming, and I wouldn't change a moment of it. My son is learning so much, is healthy both physically and emotionally, and truly loves his life. What more could I hope for?! (And, BTW, inviting media into our lives was a stretch for me at first too. I know the fears. I read all the studies. But after a few years of living this life, I also know my fears were unfounded. But as Alexandra and Sandra say...don't go too fast. You'll see more. Enjoy the new landscape!)
image by Karen James, Ethan and Nick, in October 2012

Monday, January 6, 2025

Experiencing direct learning

I am so certain that learning comes from experiences and touching, hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting that in light of natural learning, books seem flat and dry.

photo by Sandra Dodd

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Comfortable new ideas

Lea Goin wrote:

I just realized my children turn down sweets all the time!

I've tried to maintain a candy bowl in hands reach for years. They stopped emptying it pretty much right away. Got comfortable with the idea that candy is always available if they want some.

And this past Halloween two of mine chose to skip trick or treating in favor of other activities. And one gave me back a pretty full bag to put in the family candy bowl.
—Lea Goin

photo by Rachel Kay

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Unschooling is modern, not ancient

Unschooling is a substitute for compulsory schooling, and exists in times and places where nearly unlimited information is available, and "schooling" is compulsory until late teens. Those conditions are not historical. Even in my grandparents' day, people dropped out in elementary school; in my parents' time they could leave school at 15 or 16 years old.

Humans Learn
photo by Sandra Dodd (of local mountains)

Friday, January 3, 2025

Happier and more positive

When people ask about being happier and more positive, the answer can't help but be the same. BE happier. BE positive.

But as with any accounting (think a bank account), withdrawals deplete your reserves. Every negative word, thought or deed takes peace and positivity out of your account.

Cynicism, sarcasm—which some people enjoy and defend—are costly, if your goal is peace. Biochemically / emotionally (those two are separate in language, but physically they are the same), calmer is healthier. I don't know of any physical condition that is made better by freaking out or crying hard or losing sleep or reciting fears. I know LOTS of things that are made better—entire lives, and lives of grandchildren not yet born—by thoughtful, mindful clarity.

It's okay for mothers to be calm. There are plenty of childless people to flip out. Peek out every few days, from your calm place, and check whether their ranting freak-out is making the world a more peaceful place. If not, be grateful you weren't out there ignoring (or frightening) your children while helping strangers fail to create peace from chaos.

SandraDodd.com/factors might be helpful.

SandraDodd.com/issues might, too.

Source of writing, on facebook
photo by Karen James

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Do more for and with your child

Someone wrote:
"My worry is that I am needing to do something bigger/more."
I responded:
If you don’t feel like you’re doing enough, do more.
Accept the uncomfortable feeling as you would hunger or sleepiness, and act on it, a bit. See if that helps. If so, do more.

Instead of offering suggestions, do things for him, and with him. There are lots of ideas on my site (and other places you could google up) but here’s a list Deb Lewis wrote a few years ago that I really like:
Things to do in the Winter

Original text here (fourth comment):
"Bored" and "Lazy"—Amy Childs podcast episode from August 2014

The player isn't working at that link,
but you can listen at SandraDodd.com/boredom/

photo by Colleen Prieto

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Radical Unschooling Is...

"Radical Unschooling" is unschooling fully, from the roots, from the principles, extended into all of one's life and being.

This was inspired by Family Bonding, Amy Childs interviewing me
about the benefits of radical unschooling.
(and there's a good transcript there)
photo by Sandra Dodd