"Radical Unschooling" is unschooling fully, from the roots, from the principles, extended into all of one's life and being.
about the benefits of radical unschooling.
(and there's a good transcript there)
photo by Sandra Dodd
It's an interesting twist. 🙂
Deborah in Illinois
Sandra in New Mexico
Both those former teens are grown now. Marty's oldest child turns seven today.
Some people see experienced unschoolers ("experienced" meaning in this context people who have done it well and effortlessly for years, who aren't afraid anymore, who have seen inspiring results) mention classes, and they think "Ah, well if the experienced unschoolers' kids take classes, then classes are good/necessary/no problem."
But if beginners don't go through a phase in which they REALLY focus on seeing learning outside of academic formalities, they will not be able to see around academics. If you turn away from the academics and truly, really, calmly and fully believe that there is a world that doesn't revolve around or even require or even benefit from academic traditions, *then* after a while you can see academics (research into education, or classes, or college) from another perspective.