Monday, June 3, 2024

All directions

Be open to input from all directions.

Be willing to go in different directions, over the years—with your feet, and with your thoughts.
photo by Sandra Dodd, in Winchester

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Modelling consideration

Unschooling should be about peaceful, supportive relationships, about modelling consideration and thoughtful choicemaking, and about learning.

Being loud and wild and "breaking the rules" seems to be a celebratory stage for some people who are new to unschooling, but it shouldn't be the goal or destination. It's not good for that family, really. It's not good for those who wonder what unschooling is about.
Gradual Change   •   Unschooing Nest

Quote is from Too Far, Too Fast
photo by Nicole Kenyon

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Doing very well

Rejoice when your child surpasses you in skill, knowledge or wisdom.

Nearly a quote, from
Dodd family, 2012, Always Learning Live
photo by Trista Teeter

Friday, May 31, 2024


The more that parents can accommodate children's simple desires, the calmer and happier those children will be.

Nice, and patient
photo by Destiny Dodd

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Snags and lumps and deschooling

Think of some specific things that changed in you, about you, when you were deschooling. Think of a time when you hit a snag, a lump, an un-deschooled part of you. What happened? What did you do?

Deschooling is a process that can't be sped up, I think. I could be wrong.

The path to unschooling
photo by Karen James

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Doing (not not-doing)

If a person's life is compartmentalized into learning and not learning, then they have a part of them that is "not-learning."

"Not learning"
photo by Karen James

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Warmly attractive

There is something warmly attractive about children's toys and books, even if they're not our own.

Toys in every room
photo by Sandra Dodd