Thursday, January 26, 2023

Something new

salt-encrusted old coke bottle lying on cracked earth
Learning comes from connecting something new to what you've already thought or known.
photo by Marty Dodd, of a salt-encrusted coke bottle in Utah

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Shops, museums, and museum shops

Sometimes a shop can be like a museum.

Some museums have displays of shops (or things from shops, in the past).

Some museums have gift shops.

Even when you don't buy an object, you can still admire, inquire, or (maybe) photograph it to ask about or think about later.

Your House as a Museum
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tender protection

Unschooling isn't anarchy. Being kind to a baby isn't anarchy; it's tender protection of one's young. Being sweet with a toddler isn't anarchy; it's opening up the world to a human being seeing it with new eyes.
photo by Cátia Maciel

Monday, January 23, 2023


"Choose to look at the beauty around you and to see life and people through loving eyes."
—Alex Polikowsky

Sandra's addition: "... to see life and people" and fancy chickens, cupcakes, frost, sleeping puppies and your favorite mug as beautiful.
photo by Helene McNeill

Sunday, January 22, 2023

A series of moments

All that needs to happen for years to pass peacefully is for a series of moments to pass peacefully.

All you need to do to have anniversaries accrue is to continue to behave as conscientiously as you can, and to make choices in generous and selfless ways

Anniversaries and Memories (from 2012)
photo by Holly Dodd

Saturday, January 21, 2023

When rules don't work

Jenny Cyphers, on principles over rules:

One of the kids that live near us, said rather astonished, "you don't have any rules do you?" I looked at him and said, "yes we do, they are, play nicely and behave kindly." He didn't think those were rules, and they aren't really, but that's where it all seems to come down to. A rule of no hitting, could be summed up nicely with "be nice," because clearly hitting isn't nice. Being nice covers it all.

A kid could easily not break the rule of "no hitting" by pinching or kicking, and completely get away with it, and feel pretty darn good about getting away with being mean without getting in trouble. If the idea is to "be nice," pinching or kicking won't work.
—Jenny Cyphers
photo by Cathy Koetsier

Friday, January 20, 2023

Others' regrets as springboards

When we're helping new unschoolers, or those who are undecided about whether they want to even try to unschool, those who've been around a while, we see their responses and fears through the filter of what we know of other people's regrets, false starts, delays...

(Read more about why experienced unschoolers sometimes seem pushy, at the link below.)
photo by Colleen Prieto