Color, texture, scent. Sound. Taste.
Let your days be sensational.
Disposable Checklists for Unschoolers
photo by Janine Davies
Color, texture, scent. Sound. Taste.
Let your days be sensational.
Disposable Checklists for Unschoolers
photo by Janine Davies
A "thank you" that's scripted is just noise. A "thank you" you didn't expect is true communication.
Kids learn because they are observant. I don't only mean modelling, I mean the human brain is designed to notice patterns and there are patterns everywhere - in speech, in social interactions, in shapes of things, in the relationships between physical characteristics. Some sets of related patterns we call "language" some we call "mathematics" some we call "music" etc. Kids can't help but notice those patterns and think about them because that's what our big convoluted brains do best.
In some ways parents need to be actively demonstrating how much BETTER staying home is to being in school. Make sure you are busy doing fun things. Give her experiences that she could never have if she was in school.
Sylvia's right—DO things. Point out in the midst of a fun activity that it's cool that she doesn't need to... get up early the next day, or wear special clothes/uniform/dress code every day, or...And you, the mom, see other things that are lucky and fortunate about it.