Saturday, October 13, 2018

Gently, step by step

Step by step is usually more effective than trying to leap across. More tortoise, less hare.
—Debbie Regan

Gently unwind
photo by Robin Bentley

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sunrays and angles

Remember that different people see things differently, maybe because they're younger, or shorter, or more interested in the mountains than in the sunray. Maybe someone is thinking of song lyrics and will miss a joke. Being near running water can keep someone from hearing a question.

It's likely that more things are happening and being noticed than the parents saw or planned.

Do the peaceful, generous things when you can.
photo by Lisa J Haugen

Thursday, October 11, 2018

More than some

We can't know all of everything, but we can know more of everything.

More of everything
photo by Ester Siroky

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Don't play it, be it

"If you are choosing to be a mother, move beyond playing at it, and *be* it."
—Pam Laricchia
Are You Playing the Role of “Mother”? by Pam Laricchia
(see also, if you're having fun,
photo by Colleen Prieto

originally Being a mother, May 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Are you struggling to relax?

Leah Rose:

Sandra wrote: "They need to STOP battling, STOP fighting, STOP struggling"

This has been such an incredibly powerful, empowering concept for me. It's a total turn around from the way I grew up thinking, from the way we think and speak in Western culture. But I have made the greatest strides in my own deschooling by learning to notice when I feel myself "struggling," and to Stop! Then I can choose to let go, to relax about the disparity between what I want and what is. And what I have discovered is that that conscious mental shift releases the energy I need to step forward mindfully into the moment...and then that moment becomes, itself, a step towards what I want, away from what I don't want.
—Leah Rose
photo by Lydia Koltai

Monday, October 8, 2018

Seeing and Doing

Jenny Cyphers wrote:

Go to parks, pick up sticks, ride bikes to new places, swing on the swing differently, make bubbles and blow them in front of a fan. Look at stars at night and try to find constellations, light things on fire with magnifying glass, roast hot dogs for dinner (it's cheap), the possibilities are limitless, but only if you choose to see them.
—Jenny Cyphers

Choose to see abundance
photo by Sandra Dodd

Sunday, October 7, 2018

See your child

See all that is good about your child.
Holly Dodd, self portrait in a gas cap
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