Monday, September 10, 2018

A distant tree

Come into my thoughts a minute, just a little.

"The tree was framed by this doorway." But the doorway was just sitting there, before the tree first grew. They both are there, all the time, now. What framed the tree was where I was standing when I saw how pretty it looked, and took the photo in such a way that the whole tree showed, and the whole doorway showed. Distance mattered. My height mattered.

Many relationships between things, between places, or people, depend on the perspective or the effect of another person. Surely the perception of two things changes, depending on many factors.
photo by Sandra Dodd, in Avebury

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Blending in

I noticed, because it was exotic. I was far from home.

Birds where I live, I can easily ignore.

People want to blend in, not to be seen as different. That's why sometimes unschoolers would like to be around other unschoolers, so they're not noticed so much. It's understandable.

Sometimes, if you have the energy, even though it might be more work, be willing to be noticeably exotic.

Learn and be an example
photo by Sandra Dodd, in Avebury

Saturday, September 8, 2018

From a different place

"Your perspective will change when you've experienced new things, seen the world from a different place."
—Debbie Regan
photo (click it) by Annie Regan (no relation, except in the ideas!)

Friday, September 7, 2018

The up side...

It's easy to think our "up" is everyone's up, and our focus is the obvious way of seeing. Let your children see in their own ways, and if you're lucky they will share with you.

"What's up?" can have a special new meaning.

Thinking and choosing (also upside down)
photo by Karen James

Thursday, September 6, 2018

In a moment

"It helps a lot to try for better moments not days. Don't judge a day by one upset, judge it as a bad moment and move forward. A little bit better each moment. A little bit more aware."
—Schuyler Waynforth
photo by Karen James

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Seeing through

Most of what happens in the world, I will never see.

Most of what happens in my own back yard, I don't see.

Most of what I see, I don't understand, or fully consider. That's the way the world is. That's the way people are.

You will see some beauty.
You will understand some things.
photo by Kristy Hinds
So much, in that photo!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Simple advice

"The advice that has helped the most has been the simplest. Be present. Be helpful. Be kind."
—Virginia Warren

Chat on "getting it," August 2014
photo by Roya Dedeaux