Saturday, May 23, 2015

Brave, happy Barbie

"Parents are afraid of a plastic doll that is not real, and kids know it—but what really damages a child's self esteem and body image is a parent comparing, critiquing, complaining and dissing their own body (or someone else's body)."
—Alex Polikowsky
photo by Robyn and Jayne Coburn

Friday, May 22, 2015

Learning to see differently

If beginners don't go through a phase in which they REALLY focus on seeing learning outside of academic formalities, they will not be able to see around academics.
photo by Lisa Jonick

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Look in a new way

"There's more to unschooling than just not doing school. To make it flourish we need to look at ourselves, our relationship, the way we look at the world in a new way to clear out the thinking that's holding us back."
—Joyce Fetteroll

The danger of "Lazy" and other thoughts
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Whole and attentive

Being a good unschooling parent involves being a good person, a good parent. Unschooling can't work unless the parent is there, whole and attentive and not screwing it up.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Monday, May 18, 2015

Calm down

"If I could go back in time, I'd tell myself to calm down and worry less, not pander to anyone else's ideals and I'd trust my kid alot more."
—Lea Tapp
three red tugboats, across a small river from a few small open white boats
photo by Sandra Dodd

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Talking and thinking and being

More people talk about peace than think about it. Many people are full of peaceful platitudes, and fury that others aren't "peaceful" to their specifications or fantasies.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Friday, May 15, 2015


Rejoice when your child surpasses you in skill, knowledge or wisdom.

Nearly a quote, from
photo by Sandra Dodd