Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unseen futures

It's not easy to tell the profound from the trivial as it's happening. Sometimes the profound slips into the "not so important" category when I'm not looking. Occasionally I remember one thing or another that seemed just a little goof at the time, but ultimately, somehow, changed my life.

"We all are preparing for our unseen futures."

The quote is from Art, Aging and Spirituality
photo by Dylan Lewis

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lasting happiness

"Fun is serious. Fun is important, especially for kids. Don't underrate fun. People who are not happy as children seldom find easy or lasting happiness as adults."
—Deb Lewis
photo by Susan Burke

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A constant flow of choices



Make choices that lead toward making life better. Not one big choice, a constant flow of choices every time you're going to say something or do something, all day, every day, starting now.

From a new, unfinished page:
(I removed one word, for this post.)
photo by Sandra Dodd

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy, happy, happy.

caps on a hatrack—Mario one-up, Rio Grande Zoo
Deb Lewis's words:

You don't get another chance to be the mom to these kids right now, today. When they are grown and gone from you, you can have the cleanest house in the neighborhood. But what is the most important thing today? What will you be happier remembering in your old age; that your house always looked nice or that your kids were happy? What will your children be happy to remember about their time with you? Dirty houses always wait for you to get around to them. Children don't, and shouldn't have to.

Happy, happy, happy.
—Deb Lewis

Modelling Joy
photo by Sandra Dodd

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Expansive connectedness

circus poster taped inside glass door in Capitan, New Mexico
When I was sixteen, I was in a humanities class taught by Sam Jamison, my chorus teacher. I remember how it felt when I realized that science, art and history were all the same "subject," and that it included people and language and music. It was a feeling of expansiveness, of blossoming. I remember exactly where I was sitting. Whatever he had said, or whatever connection I had just made from something I read or saw in that textbook changed my life right then and there.

When I was an English teacher, I always tried to include connections and references to other subjects, hoping to induce that awakening in my students, or at least to give them the parts they needed to assemble that during an idle moment sometime in their future.

Subject Areas and Unschooling
photo by Sandra Dodd

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Peaceful sleep and sweet dreams can come from gentle parenting.
photo by Holly Dodd, of Albuquerque, from a high point in a neighboring town