Thursday, November 14, 2013

More time

The more time parents spend with their children, doing interesting things together, the less they will worry about other things.

Marta saved the quote from a post on Always Learning.
Here's something similar:
photo by Karen James, a few years ago,
in a giant wheel in Japan

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dude, they named a Turtle after him

Michelangelo said that to carve his statue of David, he just chipped away everything that didn't look like David. Or maybe he didn't say that. But clearly that's what he ultimately did.

Chip away what doesn't look like unschooling. It's not as difficult as you might think.

Unschooling: How to Screw it Up (sound file with notes!)

photo by Colleen Prieto

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Emotions and intellect

"Feelings and intellect are not in opposition and not even separate things. All learning involves the emotions, as well as the intellect."
—Pam Sorooshian
photo by Sarah Dickinson

Monday, November 11, 2013

Electronic strewing

Physical strewing is fun—shells, leaves, crystals, puzzles, widgets and tools... Younger children need to touch things, turn them over, feel their texture and weight.

Older children have more experience, and deeper questions. They're involved with collections and connections. Recordings, video, photos and trivia can be drink bottles with American-flag metal caps easily collected and shared, without needing storage.

At my house, we're saving bottle caps for a young friend who's collecting them. He knows how big a bottle cap is, and what it feels like. I saw these and collected an image, thanks to the wonder of digital cameras.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Who's in charge?

When someone reported having told her child that there was no boss in their house, I wrote:

Honestly, there should be a boss. A kind boss, but someone with the last word, in a situation. Being a child's partner is better than saying "we're all equal and nobody knows or says more than another." The land lord, the city, social services... none of them will want to hear that you felt your child was as much responsible for things as you were.
photo by Karen James

Saturday, November 9, 2013


museum building, stone arch, ramp, steps.jpg"The idea of unguided discovery in a school setting isn't anything like the kind of discoveries unschooling kids make. There is a difference between a teacher handing a kid a pulley and telling him to discover what it does and write a paper about it and a kid finding an interesting object and messing with it because it sparked his curiosity. A lot of what my son has learned he's learned in a way that might be called unguided discovery, but it didn't look much like the model in the article, and it didn't happen in a vacuum."
—Deb Lewis
photo by Sandra Dodd

Friday, November 8, 2013


This plant was found in the trash a couple of years go. Just on speculation, I kept it and watered it even when it wasn't looking good.

It has bloomed a couple of times, but this set looks to be a big one.

People can't always plan or predict or control what happens with flowers, or days, or children. Live in the moment as well as you can and be glad of happy surprises.
photo by Sandra Dodd