Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bigger and Better

A mom who's going to help a child learn from the whole wide world should herself become ever increasingly comfortable with what all is IN the whole wide world, and how she can help bring her child to the world and the world to her child.

Unschooling should and can be bigger and better than school.

If it's smaller and quieter than school, the mom should do more to make life sparkly.
spiral dragon slide at a playground
photo by Kirby Dodd

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

All that is good

Be his partner, not his adversary.

Help him find and do and explore the things he's interested in doing. Encourage him. Facilitate and assist. See all that is good about your child. (there's a transcript, too)
photo by Susan Burke

Monday, August 26, 2013

Finding peace today

Sleep can be peace.
Food can be peace.

Sleep / Peaceful Homes / Naps
Photo by Sandra Dodd, of a Taco Bell sign in Bangalore.
It says "Visit Mexico for 18 rupees," more or less,
and it was a vegetarian taco.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

There is safety in happiness

Holly and Adam in costume

I think the most dangerous thing for a kid is unhappiness. When a child wants out and away from parents, then things outside the house can seem appealing—even questionable strangers in cars with tinted windows, who will say "meet me in the alley."

And that has been happening since before the internet.

from a chat on Internet Safety and related, suprising matters
photo by Julie D

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Music lives in the air

Music doesn't live in notes on paper, it lives in the air.

People can be VERY musical without knowing how to read or write music, just as people can be very verbal, tell stories, be poetic and dramatic without reading and writing.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Friday, August 23, 2013

Sustainable learning

old wooden wagons, falling apart, broken wheels, in the desert in Nevada

This is more of a “why to” than a “how to.” The “why?” in unschooling can be answered with “To create sustainable learning.” Our children have curiosity and joy to last a lifetime.
photo by Marty Dodd, in Nevada, March 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A touchy subject

mermaid cushion.jpgIn response to "I guess if I was totally honest, I think there are a lot worse things the kid could be doing the viewing dirty pictures."

I wrote, "And there are better things parents can do than create situations that cause their kids to lie and sneak."
The quote is from,
but the thought might be more about masturbation.
It won't be a regular topic, but people with older kids might need the links.

photo by Sandra Dodd

P.S. I called this "A touchy subject" but I considered calling it "Don't Add Light."