Monday, August 5, 2013

A bigger payoff

Pam Sorooshian wrote:

Think about what is REALLY important and keep that always in the forefront of your interactions with your children. What values do you hope to pass on to them? You can't "pass on" something you don't exemplify yourself.

Treat them the way you want them to treat others. Do you want respect? Be respectful.

Do you want responsibility from them? Be responsible. Think of how you look to them, from their perspective. Do you order them around? Is that respectful? Do you say, "I'll be just a minute" and then take 20 more minutes talking to a friend while the children wait? Is that responsible?
Focus more on your own behavior than on theirs. It'll pay off bigger.
—Pam Sorooshian
photo by Sandra Dodd

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Do more.

If you don't feel like you're doing enough, do more.

Karen James remembered me writing that, and a few years later she repeated it to another mom, with a nice addition:
"Do more. Have fun. In my experience, it's truly contagious!"
photo by Sandra Dodd

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Right and true

Live your life in such a way that other people will trust you. When you make decisions, make generous, selfless decisions so that others benefit. When you say something, do your best to say what is fair and right and true. When you write, write things you don't mind people taking out and sharing.

A person is only trustworthy if he has earned trust, if he is worthy of being trusted.

BENEFITS beyond just "be a better parent"
photo by Marty Dodd

Friday, August 2, 2013


"Compass rose" is a beautiful term for directions set in tile, or stone, or metal, or painted... It's a symbol for knowing what's what and where's where—where the viewer is, in relation to the rest of the world.
mosaic compass rose, outdoors
The word "encompass," meaning to surround and enclose, can be a soothing concept, for parents and families.

Within that compass, there are options. As children grow, the size of the encompassing circle expands.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, August 1, 2013


"One dark spooky night not so long ago, under a full moon and while the wind 5-year-old developed a fascination for monsters."
—Amy Kagey
Monster Mania
and one monster leads to another...
photo by Colleen Prieto

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Good things

Do good things
for good reasons.
an orange in front of ceramic canisters

photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How does it balance out?

When children choose their foods, they will choose things you didn't expect!
monkeyplatter, videotapes, board game
photo by Sandra Dodd