In response to anti-"screentime" rhetoric:
If one's goal is to make school the most interesting thing on a child's horizon, then by all means—turn off the TV, don't give them any great picture books, avoid popular music, and close all the windows.
If one's goal is to make learning a constant condition of a child's life, then turn ON the TV, give them all the books and magazines and music they want, open the windows, explore! Explore when you're out of the house, and explore when you're in the house.
photo of Holly Dodd by Quinn Trainor
This post is a re-titled re-run from
May 5, 2011. The window behind her has metal without glass. It is in "the rock house" (the Kiwanis cabin) at the top of the Sandia Mountains.
There is more on my site now about the prejudices some parents can succumb to than there used to be, too: