If you can only see the obstacles, then your journey won't be easy. Be like the water, finding its way around the rocks. See the openings, the possibilities.
—Robin Bentley
photo by Colleen Prieto
For those who were gentle and attentive to babies as people, remember that your child, no matter how old, is still that same person who trusted you the first days and weeks and months.
It's easy to forget, and to be impatient and critical. It happens at my house. It can be ever easier to remember, with practice and focus, to choose quiet and soft, still.
Sometimes people say, "Well how will your kids know how to live in the real world?"
And I say "What do you mean by 'the real world'?"
And that's a trap.🙂
"I want to see Lucas Sven Leuenberger's math rock band. But where? When?
"The future is a beautiful mystery."—Holly Dodd
Find delight in small, everyday things. |