Friday, March 18, 2011

Find the Best

Find the best in each moment, the best moments in each hour, and by focusing on what is sweet and good, you will help others see the sweetness and goodness, too.

The quote is from an e-mail yesterday, and was made a bit more general.
A good link for it is
photo by Sandra Dodd

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dads and unschooling

Usually moms find unschooling first, and understand it more easily than dads do. It does happen, though, that if and when a dad does find his way to appreciate the potential of unschooling, he can surpass the mom's understanding in no time.

What can help? Patience on the mom's part. No ultimatum. Ease in lovingly. Seeing other dads with their unschooled children has helped many, many fathers see a kind of relationship they had never imagined.

See words and images of dads here:
photo by Sandra Dodd

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Where parenting is concerned, logic can be short-circuited by emotion or culture (or both).

Don't do things that don't make sense.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

An advance vision of homeschooling

I went to school. Most people reading this probably went to school. But most people reading this probably are not sending their children to school. Many of you are probably finding that your vision of homeschooling isn't exactly the same as the reality of your child's life at home. I know my own vision missed coming true.
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I don't mind that my vision failed. The realities of longterm natural learning were not within the scope of my beginning-homeschooler imagination. If their lives had unfolded as I had predicted they would have been smaller and sadder. I'm very happy to report that their real, natural, unschooled lives are both bigger and happier than my imagination.

The quotes are the beginning and end of Books and Saxophones
photo of Holly and Veronique by Sandra Dodd

Monday, March 14, 2011

One step isn't really far enough

There are several sayings about the journey of a lifetime beginning with a single step and such. One step isn't the beginning of a journey if you keep one foot in the yard. You have to get away from the starting point completely.
photo by Sandra Dodd

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A good nest

The nest I built for my children even before I knew we would homeschool was made of toys and books, music and videos, and a yard without stickers. It was a good nest.
(The quote is from elsewhere, but that's a good link for it.)
photo by Sandra Dodd

Respect for the wholeness of children

When humor exists at the expense of children's dignity and self esteem, when humor is an indicator of the jokester's true feelings about the wholeness and value and intelligence of chidren, that undermines children's worth and their chances of being seen, heard and respected as the full and important humans they are.
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Yes, jokes are funny, and yes, people need to have a sense of humor, but people also should have a sense of their own beliefs and courage and the future of mankind. Is that overstating it? Maybe and maybe not.
photo by Sandra Dodd