Showing posts with label woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woods. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Happiness and lightness

"Something has clicked, or melted away, actually, in the past year and I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for saving my relationship with my children. I feel happiness and lightness where there was once dread."
(a mom, recently)
photo by Rachel Singer

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Smiling and helpful

Children are born learning, and unless and until that joy is extinguished (by school or pressure or shaming or belittlement), it will thrive and grow. Learning is easy when the people around are smiling, encouraging and helpful.
The quote came from a comment I made on a YouTube video.
After I wrote it, I thought I should share it here.
photo by Rippy Dusseldorp

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Without measure

Sometimes people measure too much.

Try not to go by the clock or the numbers or the calendar so much as you go by the emotional and personal and physical needs of your child. It will pay you back. It will be a good deal.
SandraDodd, "Unschooling—How to Screw it Up"
photo by Jasmine Baykus

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dark corners, lit up

"Don't let fear and worry drive your decisions and interactions with your kids, though. If you focus on joy and partnership, dark corners won't seem dark. You and your kids will be able to illuminate them together through open dialogue and trust."
—Jo Isaac
photo by Erika Ellis

Friday, June 5, 2015

Their unique needs

It helps unschooling and mindful parenting to be aware of your kids and their unique needs rather than treating them as generic kids with all the worst possible traits.
—Joyce Fetteroll
photo by Colleen Prieto

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gateway ideas

"At the gateway to the garden there was always a gate keeper…"

dark yard, wooden gate backlit with a vulture sitting on the gatepost

From "The Beautiful Park," by Robyn Coburn
photo by Kristiva Stack, of her gate and a visiting vulture

Friday, June 6, 2014


"Learning flows when needs are met, connections are strong, and kids can absolutely trust their parents, and know their parents are there for them. Some of the core values of natural learning are trust, support, joy, and freedom. You are putting up scaffolding for years and years of learning by the choices you make now."
—Caren Knox
hand pump, for water, in woods
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

18 years old

How did reading the title "18 years old" make you feel? For some, there might have been an emotional response. I've had friends and relatives whose 18 year olds were required to either move out or start paying rent.

Some 18 year olds celebrate the occasion by doing things their parents had prevented for their whole lives up to that point.

It turns out that a person is just about the very same on the day of his 18th birthday as he was the day before. Unschoolers can live toward helping a child stay whole so that 18 is no particular landmark in his life, nor something to be feared or dreaded

The notes above were all new in 2011.
The page closest to it for linking purposes
was written seven years ago:
photo by Holly Dodd

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Give, give, give

If you want to measure, measure generously. If you want to give, give generously. If you want to unschool, or be a mindful parent, give, give, give. You'll find after a few years that you still have everything you thought you had given away, and more.

Finding Yourself

The quote above is from "Precisely How to Unschool":

photo by Holly Dodd