Monday, October 31, 2016

Like magic

Since my kids were little they could have all the Halloween candy they wanted, and since they were little that has been no problem at all, because by the time they gave away what they didn't like and traded for favorites, and saved it and shared it with kids who came over for the next few weeks, there was still candy left.
. . . .

We were confident that it was control, not access, that made kids eat, do and want "too much" before we ever considered unschooling. Others come to the idea the other way around—unschooling first and releasing other control-urges later.
photo by Pam Sorooshian

This is a repeat from 2013
because the photo is great
with text from 2010
because it's still true.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Fewer folks farm than used to. It's understandable.

Even without a farm, though, what's planted might grow. What is tended thrives.

Not everything can be controlled, but many things can be accepted and appreciated. Mentally gather up the positive results in your life and be grateful for your harvest.
photo by Lydia Koltai

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Light goofs

Find things to smile about in small casual moments.

Happy Halloween-costume days.
candid tomato-slice photo by Sandra Dodd

Friday, October 28, 2016

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Your kids know

close-up of cat behind big leaf
Joyce wrote:
"He can feel you hovering over him waiting for him to do something that will calm your fears."

Sandra adds:
Your children know when you're anxious or nervous. Don't think you're sneaking up on them. It's important to relax, not just to pretend to be relaxed.
photo by Susan Gaissert

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

No time out

Time can be geological, historical, millenial, generational, eternal or poetic. Current time can involve years, months, seasons, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and subparticles thereof. Time can fly or drag along. It can heal everything or be the enemy. There's no time out from time!
photo by Sandra Dodd

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


It's easy to think there's not much to unschooling, and then to fail at it.

Read a little, try a little,
wait a while, watch.

Do that so many times that you don't notice you're doing it all the time.
photo by Celeste Burke