Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Twenty days of learning

Ghoj pagh jaj (Klingon, maybe, for "Learn Nothing Day") is in one score of days.
O le aso e leai se mea afia
O Dia de Nao Aprender Nada
Leer Niets Dag
El Dia de No Aprender Nada
Oggi non si impara
La Journée Sans Rien Apprendre
Erster Internationaler Welt-nichtslerntag

Learn now, because it's going to end on July 24.

Score! and counting sheep in prehistoric languages
photos by Sandra Dodd, with thanks to Ester Siroky for taking me there

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hearing yourself

Saying what one means rather than using phrases without thinking is very, very important.

Hearing what I say as a mom is crucial to mindfulness.

If I don't notice what I say, if I don't even hear myself, how can I expect my kids to hear me?

If I say things without having carefully chosen each word, am I really communicating?

Mindful of Words
photo by Marty Dodd

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hopeful and helpful

Be up! Be happy when you can. Be hopeful and helpful!

Everyone who can do that makes the world a better place.
newborn calf and cat, same colors
photo by Sandra Dodd, of a preemie calf, still damp
and a matching, watchful cat
at Alex Polikowsky's farm