Friday, March 13, 2020

Mushy happy everything

I've come to ask for a roll call on who's seeing, reading, caring. If you have this by e-mail, please respond, with at least a ping, if not a note.

The mailer-report says nobody saw this one: Constant flow of thoughts, which is too bad because there was a cool photo by Karen James of beautiful little plants growing in a crack in a lava flow. If you didn't receive that, I don't know why not, and I hope you'll take a look.

Some people object to "Mushy happy" anything, but I'm pretty sure it's better than dried-up cranky whatever, so if you want happy encouragement, stick around! If not, see if one of these guys has a daily blog for you, and best of luck.


  1. Yes I read them and find them inspiring. I thought I had read the one with the lava and the plants but now I can't find the email so maybe I didn't. Some days are crazy busy but I know that when I have 5 minutes that the email will be waiting for me to read it and contemplate on the words and the photo.

  2. I'm seeing, reading,caring... not via email but Just Add Light is the first thing I read each morning. Thank you Sandra!


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