Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Nourished and strengthened

Pam Sorooshian, on a way to step up peace and focus:

There are times in life that you won't feel like you can take care of others around you as well as you'd like. You need nurturing yourself and other people's neediness starts to be draining on you.

I've felt that, too.

But I've also found that if I focus more on "seeing" my kids with loving-eyes focus, consciously choose to pay attention to what I love about them, then I actually begin to feel more nourished and strengthened by them, and by the very acts of caring for them.
—Pam Sorooshian
(photo by a realtor in Scotland)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this Sandra. Have been feeling a lot of this lately and feeling guilty. So very timely!Yes I think Pams right it seems it's all about the way you choose to think about it. No amount of wallowing in martyrdom seems to get you anywhere! Would make a good discussion point.


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