Friday, August 24, 2012

Ouija Book

In The Big Book of Unschooling I mentioned on one page that if someone had randomly opened the book to that page, that...

Well there are two such mentions:

If you've turned to this page in random Ouija-Book fashion, welcome! If you arrived here methodically, page-by-page, you won't be surprised at what I'm about to say.
and on another page
Or maybe you've turned randomly to this page without reading anything else and you don't know what I'm talking about. This wasn't a good first-random-page. Maybe flip again, and come back to this page later.
One of the moms who bought the book that first day said she had randomly turned to one of those pages, and was amused by seeing that note.

Don't stay too long.

     Read a little.
           Try a little.
               Wait a while.
photo by Sandra Dodd


  1. this made me think of reading bach's "illusions" and how i used to like to use it ouija-book style but never thought to call it that.

  2. For a while my Ouija-book was Zen Lessons The Art of Leadership, from Shambhala Press. Our puppy had chewed my miniature copy, and I had lots of pages marked and folded down. I still have it. Here's one page:


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