Saturday, August 11, 2012

Gratitude and abundance

Last night I was tired. Holly had gone out for the evening. Marty had gone to bed because he works at 4:30 a.m. Keith was busy. I thought... I'd like to just go to sleep.

Then I looked up and there's food to be put away, and the counter was all full of dinner.

At first I felt whiney, "why me?" and kind of "DAMN it, I'm tired."

Then I thought...
I'm glad we have food. I LOVE that pan I made the sauce in. I got it for collecting savings-stamps at the grocery store. It's heavy stainless steel, and beautifully shaped.

We have containers to make small meals, and I can mix the sauce (which I made in the morning and slow-simmered most of the afternoon) with spaghetti in several little containers, and someone from my family will be glad to find it at some point this weekend, or maybe Keith will save one to take to work for lunch on Monday.

I'm glad we have a refrigerator, and that people in my family not only are willing to eat leftovers, they're glad to find there's some left of something they liked the first time.

We have a dishwasher. That's really wonderful. If all I have to do is rinse dishes and fill it up, that's not much work at all.

I've been listening to World War Z. Marty says some of his favorite stories aren't in the abridged audio book, but that he's heard the audio and it's good.

So I put World War Z to play on the computer, and cleaned up the kitchen I'm glad to have, for the family I love.
photo by Holly Dodd, of the sun through smoke in early summer


  1. I had just posted on my own blog about feeling thankful around half an hour before I received an email leading me to this, and I now feel even more thankful! It confirmed for me that gratitude really is the theme of the day :)

  2. In 2024 I deleted (but saved!) two of my comments. They are now here:

    Comments can't be edited here, and the links were so long they were keeping this post from being viewed well on a phone.

    The link above should go straight to a bit of commentary with links to posts by Lori Odhner and by Lou, from that same day.

    If you visit there, maybe scroll up to more of the "gratititude" page.

  3. On my phone, the link above ends up higher on the page. The links and commments are there, thought!


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