Friday, February 3, 2012


I had a Shakespeare professor who said "Three trees make a row," to confirm a pattern when a student noticed that something had appeared three times. I remember thinking, but not saying, "Not if they're making a triangle." But it wasn't a math class, and I understood his point.
There's something strong and fun about three. Two parents and a baby. A tripod for a camera or a telescope. A three-legged stool (a tripod to sit on). Three versions of a song. A book or movie trilogy. Counting by threes with its elegant stops at 33, 66, and 99.

photo by Sandra Dodd

Some other images in this blog with three of something:
What do you hope for?

Museum of everything


Happy and glad

Calm and quiet

Leeway and freedom


  1. I love connections! You have a blog about connections, I believe? I think I remember reading along your connection road, and loving the leaps and ties. It was a lot of fun.


    When "thinking" is an adjective and "sticks" is a noun, it's these:

    When When "thinking" is a noun (gerund) and "sticks" is a verb, it's that blog up top. :-)


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