Thursday, December 22, 2011

Portals that beckon

When books are an obsession, it's considered a virtue. When mathematics is an obsession it's considered genius. When history is an obsession, that's scholarly. When rock and roll is an obsession or folk art, or dance… maybe not as easily impressive to the outside world. But as all things are connected, let your child see the world from the portals that open to him, and don't press him to get in line at an entryway that doesn't sparkle and beckon.

from page 189 of The Big Book of Unschooling,
which links to Feed Passions
photo by Sandra Dodd

1 comment:

  1. I have been feeling a bit like I ought to be doing something about the huge amount of reading by Biggest (7) does so I really needed to see this today.


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