Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Just Add Darkness and Sleep"

Monday night I sat at my guest-room desk at the Daniels' home near London and thought I should check to make sure there was a post set to go out from this blog. Then I was too sleepy to remember, so I climbed into bed and slept a long, long time.

This morning on our way to the train station to go to London and do cool things, I told that story, and said I sent two posts on Monday, by accident, and was too sleepy to figure it out. Adam said "Just add darkness and sleep!"

That's a great idea sometimes, and it's what happened Monday evening here. Thanks, Adam, for the soothing thought.
photo by Sandra Dodd


  1. It must be a lot to keep up with. Honestly, I just wake up and click on the email in my box to read your posts... and sometimes I wonder, "is it my imagination, or did she skip a day?" and usually it's my imagination, lol...
    - Cheryl E

  2. Sometimes I do fail to appear. :-)


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