Tuesday, April 12, 2011


A butterfly in the yard is more wonderful than a dusty butterfly pinned in a box, but you can control the one in the box better, as long as you don't want it to fly. At least it will be there when you want to look at it. The one in the yard is on his own schedule.

Un papillon dans la cour est tellement plus merveilleux qu’une mouche poussiéreuse fixée dans une boîte mais vous ne pouvez pas contrôler le premier aussi longtemps qu’il veut voler. Au mieux il sera juste là l’instant d’un coup d’œil. Les battements d’ailes dans votre cour ont leur propre horaire !

from "Moving a Puddle",
traduit par Jeanine Barbé (poetically)

photo by Sandra Dodd, without a butterfly in it


  1. When I took to a live Butterfly exhibit, the butterflies were gorgeous but they would not hold still either! Plus Hannah is afraid of them..weird I know!

  2. Thank you so much Sandra... and Jeanine !
    I'm so happy to read you in French, this morning !
    For a while now, I'm wondering if I could have time (and your authorization) to translate your blog in French every day, and thus, attract Francophone parents here to learn about unschooling. Francophone are very isolated by this language barriers, you know.


Please comment!

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